Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Magdalena's Lititz Hens

Am luv'n this rug so far.  Just wish the digital camera could capture the proper colors of the wool.  The right hen is NOT red , it is a warm brown.  With the other setting on the camera the photos appear even brighter.

Initially, when pulling colors for the rug there were two pieces of wool from which to make my selection for the right hen.  The other was too dark brown, almost black.  Perhaps that one would have made a better photo.  But, I will live with this rug and love what I see in person.  
Still have Star Geo to bind and several rugs to label before attending the April rug camp in 2 months.  Yeah sounds like so far away (in kid's time) but real time will go in a flash.

Yesterday's weather was great and today was even better.  Tomorrow is going to be disappointing compared to these last two.  But hey, days are getting longer so sun will bring out the temps.  

Then there's MARCH WINDS and APRIL SHOWERS.  It was March 2nd last year which brought down two huge live trees in my yard.  So I'm really skeptical about March.

Good evening to all.



  1. It is hard to photo a rug, unless you have special lightening, so I just look at the rug and then adjust the colors in photoshop to get as close as I can, but not always that easy.


  2. To me ur mats is awesome,,,
    Nice that yr weather good!
    We are having ice pellets and freezing rain today,,, appt this afternoon for hubby,, may have to cancel,,, dont like driving in that stuff,,,,, grrrr, what a crazy winter,,,,,
    Take care,,,

  3. How I love the longer days!
    Even if the chicken is supposed to be brown, it looks great red 😊 It is so hard to capture true colors.

  4. I thought it looked red too but either way, it looks great! Have a great day. Lori

  5. I think we've been having April showers for a year! The mud is so bad I want to cry...!! My barn yard and fields are completely shot and the horses and sheep are filthy...
    England in July was a welcome break... sun and a drought!


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