Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Which Color ~ Red or Purple?

You know I'm always finding something else to tweak and this rug has been no exception.  Getting down to the nitty gritty thought I'd take a serious look at my purple choice in the rug.  

Early on hooking this rug wanted to use my worms so pulled out the purple.  Then, as hooking progressed questioned my use of purple and thought it should be red.  

So which do you vote for ~ the already hooked Purple .....
....or replace with Red?
There's still the bottom right quadrant to hook yet until I finally decide.  But at least I've these two photos to ponder as I do that.



  1. I prefer the red..thanks for the offer of the blue wool...I still have 1/4 yard but would love to use it in Sparhawk...Will be making do...

  2. Since I'm not much of a purple person, though I know some like to use a bit in every rug, I vote for the red.

  3. Purple is my vote but ultimately is your decision. Janice

  4. to me the purple is more subdued and "older" looking, but I like the punch of the red.

  5. At first I thought there was nothing wrong with the purple but then you put the red on there and I like it too. The lighter tone of the purple makes it look more whimsical. The deeper red makes it look more rustic/prim. Whatchya going for?

  6. Red!
    But that said,, the purple u have there is fine, too,,,
    Big decision!
    Take care,
    Have a good day,,,

  7. I like the purple better. The red makes the sun(?) look more sunny, but it also seems to make the rug top heavy. I mean too much dark at the top. Maybe if there were a larger dark area toward the bottom for balance, I'd say red.

  8. I prefer red to purple too ….my grand daughters would say purple !!!

  9. I think adding purple helps to alter the other colors in a rug ~ making them more faded & old looking {to me anyway} ;) so my vote will always to add purple :)

  10. Hmmmm.... I do like both, but if were my rug, I’d go with the red. Now, all these votes, and still no consensus LOL.


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