Wednesday, October 30, 2019


'Tis the eve before ghosts, goblins, witches and other gremlins appear at our door steps.  This a Happy Haunting Applique Quilt piece I made over 20 years ago and have forgotten who the designer was.
It is hanging on my front door to great the super heroes, angels, devils and all who wish a 'trick or treat' tomorrow night.  Actually it has been years since youngsters came to the house as the kids in this small community have grown and gone to college or gotten married.  My grandson used to come dress up and he is now 16 so am sure he won't be here with his bucket to fill either.

Am slowly getting ready for the rug camp with sweet and talented Kris Miller.  Have my wool pulled but know for sure she will have better choices to add with mine to make it a better rug.



  1. Happy Halloween! I will send you a few trick-or-treaters. We have almost no kids in the neighborhood but all that will change tomorrow night. I never turn away a person...whether they are a month old baby in a stroller or a 16 year old not in costume.

  2. WE are the same in our area no kids all grown up. We trick or treat at work and that makes up for it about 500 kids show up.

  3. No kids either here, that's why we pass out treats at our store and then Bob and I go to one of our favorite restaurants for dinner afterward. Happy Halloween! Janice

  4. Hi Saundra,
    What a sweet piece!! We don't have any kids here either and I'm happy as I would want to eat all the chocolate candy!!! lol
    Hope you have a great time at your rug camp!!!
    Heart Hugs~
    Julie xo

  5. Sooo have you ever looked for orbs in your own house? Tomorrow? :-)

  6. Torrential rains expected here all day so I’m thinking we won’t have any
    little goblins. Hubby and I will watch Young Frankenstein and have
    some chocolate! Maybe you’ll get a goblin or two after all!

  7. Cute banner! Have never had the opportunity to take from Kris, but understand she is great. Can’t wait to see what you do.


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