Friday, July 17, 2020

Sorry For the Wait

It has been several days since my last post and I apologize.  But a dental appointment, lawn mower maintenance, hair cut necessity, plus hours and hours to get my vehicle registration renewed.  That story is too long and boring for you read and too frustrating for me to regurgitate but at least my vehicle is tagged.

Okay.. so here is one third of the antique adaptation which is the subject of my affection.  Just looking that this section you'll know what I'm working on.
Earlier this week it was comfortable doing yard work but the weather has changed to dangerous levels of heat and humidity.  I've lived in Northern California where the temperature would register over 100* but it was a dry heat as in Arizona.  Heck, our home in the east Bay area didn't even have A/C but was comfortable with the windows open and the ceiling fans.  

However, when we would travel back to Delaware to visit family from California and walk out of BWI airport (Baltimore MD) it was like walking into a sauna.  Then the drive closer to the beach along the Atlantic ocean, which is where I hour away from all the beaches in Maryland and Delaware.

Happy Friday.



  1. took me a minute and I had to look back, but finally figured it out :)

  2. Love the colors of this one!!
    Lots of chores to do in BETWEEN!!!
    Take care ,,,,Keep cool,,,,,,
    Even hot here now,,,,Yikes,,,,,,

  3. registering my car was very easy on line and they sent my tags.
    I have no idea what rug you are working on. We are going into the heat also horrid horrid humid almost 100 degree heat. This has been the hottest summer in years and I do not like it!

  4. This is definitely a stay inside as much as possible day. Our windows are so wet from the humid, you'd think it rained. We can renew tags on-line or by mail, no need to go to courthouse. Was it that busy, or a problem with the registration? Or the employees there?

    I'm also drawing a blank on the rug, but I haven't had coffee yet so mental operations are a bit slow. It's something patriotic themed though.

  5. God bless the USA. Hot and humid here in Michigan too. Janice

  6. I claim long periods of absenteeism for having no clue what you've got on your frame...but obviously something patriotic (and so appropriate for this season of our country's discontent). Running behind here as I was at the lake and lose track of days there. Will be catching up eventually! We had hot and humid, then storms, now very crisp and cool...but I heard somewhere that heat and humidity will be back by the end of the week. We get such a's quite surprising we haven't had snow yet. ;-) ~Robin~

  7. The heat and humidity are killing us,too.


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