Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Travel Back Tuesday

This time last September I was in Cape May enjoying rug camp, fall at a beach resort and sharing memories with friends.  Not this year with Covid issues ~ so travel back to Cape May with me and see what happens there.  

I know many rug hookers who have hooked Covid or quarantine pieces but honestly I don't want to remember these last 6 months with a hooked piece.  Just my personal opinion.

Here are a few photos from a previous Cape May time.  This photo below was one taken across the street from the Chalfonte.  The year was 2017 and was the 30th Anniversary Celebration.  You can see all the rug hookers gathered on the porch, eating hors d'oeuvres, and enjoying libations.  Oh what fun and the next anniversary will be in 2 years. 
That year I was in Cammie Bruce's class and recall we were in the 'dungeon'.  For those who have not attended camp there we hookers call that room the dungeon because lighting is not very good in that room.  So we always take an OTT or similar lighting in case we get that room.  However, many folks set up and hook on the porch anyway.  A photo of Cammie and students.  Cammie is the one in front with a dark top. 
Some of the owners go over the top to decorate for fall/Halloween or, has that couple been waiting a long long time for breakfast?
And this photo shows a dead-icated cyclist 😁 and loyal dog.  
Am hoping the November rug camp will still be a go as time is counted down.  And it is amazing just how fast the days fly by.  I won't hold my breath and have learned to go with the flow and avoid disappointment.  

Sorry there aren't any rugs in the post but hope you enjoyed it anyway.



  1. So sad that this premier camp was cancelled. Someday I hope to attend!!!

  2. Here is hoping your upcoming rug camp is still on. Fingers crossed for you. Janice

  3. What a beautiful facility. Here's hoping things open up soon :-)

  4. Always enjoy your posts...rugs or no Silly. That looks like a beautiful resort...and LOVE the decorating LOL. One day I may come out from under my rock and attend a camp. In all my years of hooking, I never have...other than a couple of "workshops" at Cathy's...more as the class clown than anything LOL. Hope your weather is as beautiful as ours was today. (But we're in Nod...so that's sure to change by tomorrow LOL)..... ~Robin~

  5. it has been a sad month of rug hooking loss. I hope you do get to go to your November one. I had an October one canceled.

  6. Such great Pics and memories!! Crazy times,,,,
    2nd wave in the province seems close!! Will be a long winter,,,Glad I have hobbies and hope my hands hold up,,,,


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