Thursday, July 20, 2023


Sorry to disappoint but I'm not referring to Geometric Garden as there's  still more to hook on that one.  I'm referring to Scalloped Flowers.  So am caught up with binding and before Cape May camp in September will have Geo Garden bound.
I drew it measuring 23 x 37.5.  If I were to hook it again (which I won't) think I'd go for more of a gold color instead of tan.   Soon I'll be drawing my next one and think I know which one I'll do.  However, you know me, I could change my mind before it is enlarged and drawn.

Speaking of Cape May ~  I'm going to sell my 16" Townsend Orbiter rug frame and will take it to Cape May if anyone wishes to purchase it there and save on shipping.  I won't be hooking any future huge rugs and certainly have enough other frames to take care of my needs.  Here are two photos of the 'like new' blue orbiter frame.  I'm asking $600.

I'm arriving first week Sept. 10 thru noon Sept. 15.
Here is a view with the top cover and instructions.
Another storm will arrive in the dark of the morning and last until about 1 p.m. tomorrow.    My lake-back is ever enlarging and the grass/weeds ever growing.  Since the weekend is supposed to be wonderful perhaps the sun will dry the yard enough to be cut.  Well except the lake will  still be there.

Happy hooking.



  1. Well done on the binding commitment. Mine are still sitting here shaming me. Who would have thought I would dawdle so binding Welcome Cats that took me lifetimes to hook?? Oh well, oh hell. Your weather forecasts must be more accurate than ours. They say rain and none comes, and vice versa. Over the past day and a half we did garner almost 3/4" of rain and for that I'm grateful. But now, again, dry for as long as the forecast shows. ~Robin~

  2. I still have not finished Woman on horseback. It is rolled up and put away, so udos on you for finishing yours. We had a horrendous storm come in and we lost power for a bit. Branches from trees we dont own will need to be picked up tomorrow. Janice

  3. I sympathize with the rain it was not stop here most of the summer. Great finish on your rug. Hope you sell your Fram.
    And I bet you are looking forward to your retreat

  4. I would love some rain but we are getting so much snow melt now from all of the storms last winter, there is no place to put it. I really like that frame. Its a nice one.
    Yes, I have too many frames. I like that rug, and good for you getting your binding done. I was thinking when I saw the title to that post I was thinking of the rug you are working on and I thought gosh you are so fast. I hope your lake starts to shrink soon. Have a nice evening.

  5. Rain, rain , go away!
    Love ur finishing mats,, have a few still to finish off,, bit by bit,,,

  6. Your rug is Beautiful ! And you have it all bound !!!
    More rain for us today too , but shouldn't be too much . I have given up on my plants , they are getting eaten by bugs & just look terrible .
    The weekend will be really nice here too , finally !!!
    Your hooking camp will be here before you know it ! Time is flying !

  7. so much rain here lately, Peter & I have though about becoming mushroom farmers :/
    Lori {NFF}

  8. You are putting us all to shame in the hooking/binding department.
    Congrats on yet another finish.
    Hopefully you will sell the frame!

  9. I thought that I had left a comment on your post but it must have been in an email.

    Your rug is looking great and I admire your discipline for biding your rugs. I've had my head to the grindstone and haven't even pulled a loop in a long time.

    I can't complain about the weather. Our eastern neighbours, Nova Scotia are having terrible floods. We' have humid and rainy days mixed with periods of sun but my house is dry and I'm emptying two humidifiers three times a day. Can't keep up with cutting the grass and weeding but I still can complain. I hope your lake is drying up.

    I hope this comment goes through.
    Hugs, Julia

  10. I meant, I can't complain.


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