Saturday, August 12, 2023


FYI Geometric Garden is now bound and label attached so I'm caught up.  There's plenty more hooking to be done on this rug and for now I'm quite content pulling strips from the various colored baggies of worms surrounding me.
Usually I complain about a photo being too washed out and the one above appears a bit too dark so thought I'd take another photo with another camera ~ the one which usually washes out the colors let's see what happens this time.
Yup, the photo just taken is too washed out.  So let's just say the color is somewhere between the dark and lighter one.  Perhaps next time I take a photo in a better lit room and with the first camera.

Happy Saturday and happy hooking.



  1. Geometric Garden bound and labeled? You are too efficient!
    Going in Circles...well... it is going well ;-)

  2. Its looking great and fun to hook !!!

  3. Very impressed at your progress. I'd be bored right about now LOL. I feel guilty every time I visit one of your progress posts. Those 3 rugs I had good intentions of binding months ago are still gathering dust on my table. What's my issue?! (Rhetorical question...don't answer. LOL) ~Robin~

  4. You are coming along on your stash buster. And yes you are very organized and efficient

  5. What can I say? You're burning rubber in the hooking world and I'm at a stand still.
    I've lost all incentive to blog as everything is the same as last year except that the weather has been more of a challenge. Same flowers as last year, same weeds, same pickling and harvesting, except maybe a little more abundant. My rug hasn't progress. Same old, same old. I've spent less time on the computer lately and I'm nose deep in learning how to do entries in the business journal for the farm. It's the most boring job ever for me, especially when I have some invoices missing... Grrr. Those debits and credits are something else... I never liked bookwork. OK, I'm climbing down from my soap opera box yet, I'm at peace. Go figure...
    Hugs, Julia

  6. Great way to use up worms, but again I would be dizzy hooking circles. Janice


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