Tuesday, February 18, 2025


I'll be sad to see this one finished as it has been a constant source of fun, even after reverse hooking that big cat.  I was tempted to not show it today and hook the heart first, but it has been a few days since giving you an update.  
Today wasn't all playing with wool.  After breakfast I went outside to continue cleaning up after the horrific winds.  Decided to start with picking up pine cones so I wouldn't trip while trying to maneuver around  the yard work.  Hmm, below is a photo taken of some pine cones but they aren't showing up well. 
I was outside maybe 20 minutes before my hands hurt from the cold ~ it was 29* outside and I have Raynaud's.  And of course don't want to take a chance on getting frostbite so went back in the house.  I did manage to pick up 100 pinecones tho.

After lunch went back outside, picked up another 81 pinecones, trimmed some of the Wisteria vine and picked up more limbs until my hands began to hurt again.  Here is another photo of the felled tree and vines are from the invasive Wisteria which needs to be eradicated.  I wasn't too smart thinking that would be a great idea to plant.  And doubt I'll have much success in getting rid of all the vine as there is plenty rooted underground I'm sure.  
Sadly another winter snow storm will be here tomorrow into Thursday.  I've heard 6-10", then it was 3-6" so at this point guess it will be a 'wait and see'.  Guess you know what I'll be doing ... yup, hooking.  Hope you have something to keep you occupied as that white devil arrives.



  1. UGH on the amount of pinecones you had to pick up along with the impending snow. It was 2 degrees this morning not counting the windchill. Am so over with Winter. LOVE your animal rug! Such a wonderful composition. Janice

  2. What a fun rug. This may be a record for you getting something that size hooked!
    Congrats on your pine cone patrol. I have one of those invasive wisteria, too. It was beautiful when in bloom but was taking over. I cut it down several years ago but don’t think I will ever be rid of it 😡
    Fingers crossed that the weather guessers are wrong.
    Lauren ~ Rugs and Pugs

  3. That rug is looking fantastic!! And it does look like it would be fun to hook with all those different animals and motifs. Hmmm...have you given us any hints about "what's next"?? Sorry about your yard woes...Me, I'd be waiting until it's MUCH warmer out to do it. And, yeah...that wisteria. Lauren warned me about it, but I still did it. I was told the kind I bought was not invasive but...I would disagree.) So far I've succeeded at keeping it mostly at bay but eek it's a challenge. Hope the storm misses you - or, at least, you are on the lower snow total amounts. This is the first weekend in the last I can't remember how many that we haven't a major dumping of snow. Instead, we're being treated to -25º - -30º windchills. ~Robin~

  4. gorgeous rug ~ my hook awaits, but I have a few other WIPS going. I too thought 'oh how loverly to grow a wisteria tree' until 5 years in it overtook the roof and side of the Shop, got under the siding, rooted its way under the front porch at took down a fence. pretty yes, but it must be well maintained lol {like we did! NOT!}

  5. It is a great rug when you are enjoying it, it is hard to see it finished.
    I too have Reynaud's also I have wool mittens lined with fleece that do the trick.
    We are supposed to miss this storm coming through it is going south of us. Which is fine by me because there is not bare earth to be seen here. We have at least 36 inches on the ground.


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