Saturday, January 5, 2013

The Lions Rug Mayhem once again

I'm back with a vengeance to post a current picture of the Lions in the Woods antique adaptation.  Since Robin told me what she did when having the same problem posting pictures from her camera if Blogger doesn't play fair now she has told me what to do.

Well, despite Robin's instructions I was unable to figure out what to do.  I clicked on the top left HTML but my blog ended up looking like gobbly gook.  And even tho my picture was in Photobucket didn't know where to post it since everything is in computer language.  So to say I'm frustrated is an understatement.

Needless to say that means I'll make more headway on this Lion rug which is now receiving a part of my frustration.  So I'll peruse the pictures previously posed on my blog (since I CAN retrieve those)
The above is my recently finished Wee Folk by Vermont Folk Art Rugs and only now needs to be bound.      

This extra time has allowed me to hook a little more and make minimal changes in the Lion on the left.  Still might make more but I'm treading slowly.  Check back at the previous Lion post and see if you can tell what I did.  There might be more changes, and for sure on the tail of the lion on the right.  Are you ready now?

It seems that I probably will get this one hooked completely before next weekend and think I'll bind this one first.

Sorry for my ranting and raving and think I'll have a wonderful glass of Cabernet to relieve my frustration.


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