Friday, March 7, 2025


Oh boy this morning shower was wonderful after not getting one yesterday with no electricity.  And a treat to have coffee this morning while doing my thing on the computer.  Already looks like it's going to be a delightful day.

Now to my accomplishments ... make that lack of, or at least a snail's pace when it comes to binding Animals Great and Small.  Hooking this rug was a joy with every loop pulled.  Binding is another matter and in order to completely finish the rug am only willing to allot an hour a day (during The Five TV news show) to work on that task.  So basically only two sides are done ~ one long side and a short side.  Will bind again today during The Five with a glass of wine to ease the drudgery. 
The new rug on my frame might endure set-back but will wait and see.  This first photo shows the flowers too dark and not how it looks in person.  
Another photo taken from a different camera, again not what the dang rug looks like in person.  But at least you can see there are flowers and buds.
This is the wool used and a piece I'd considered ugly before, but thought it might do the job for the big flowers and the buds.  Once again not depicting the true colors.  Will hook a little more and finally decide the fate of the flowers.
Yesterday the wind was still howling and local news said the sustained winds were 45mph.  While I did get most of the mess cleaned up around my deck, it was scary being outside with strong winds with me under and around trees.  Couldn't wait to get back safely inside.

Thursday, March 6, 2025


Yesterday brought heavy hard rain and forceful winds all day up to 50mph with higher gusts.  While hooking I heard a THUMP so knew a limb had fallen onto my deck.  And thankfully power was still on when I went to bed.

But at dark O'clock when I woke to go to the bathroom it was pitch black and had to feel my way there.  Had no idea what time it was.  Then daylight came and still didn't know what time it was as there was no working clock and my iPad was in the kitchen.

Got out of bed, checked the iPad and it was 6:40 am.  Couldn't take a shower, no hot water.  Couldn't make coffee, no water and no electric.  The house was getting chilly but it usually is when I wake up until the heat is increased.  Finally about 9 am the power came on and could eat my oatmeal but missed my morning coffee in tandem with the internet fix.  In checking the thermostat the temp in the house was 59* so turned up the heat.

And my task today is to remove these limbs and those others around the yard.

Monday, March 3, 2025


Some of you may wonder which rug was chosen as my next project.  This choice may shock you, as it did two of my gal pals.  I decided to do something a little different than another horse rug, although they are my favorite animal to hook.  Deer Torsos was my pick ~ below is the antique and will show you my progress in a couple days.
Before drawing the deer pattern on linen I did start my 'plus one' since I couldn't decide what to hook.  It happens to be the same design Lauren (Rugs and Pugs) is working on.  And this is all that was accomplished on Ezra's Farm before making that decision on the deer ~ yup, a horse.
Today I'll resume my slow binding of AG&S during The Five news show. I took the weekend off from binding, hey, don't want to overdo it 😁. 
  Friend Robin (Cranky Crow) and I have shared long distance bind-a-longs at that time and as you can see I've still quite a lot more to do.  Perhaps if Lauren gets Ezra's Farm completely hooked today she will join us.
Happy hooking ~ or happy binding.


Saturday, March 1, 2025


There may be a pattern order from a customer after the weekend.  A week or so ago she reached out showing me two antique rugs she was interested in.  One was a beautiful red bird with red flowers.
We chatted about sizes and then she contacted me saying she was interested in this floral antique instead.  Since she was leaving Wednesday (past) for an antique show I suggested she confirm which she wants when returning home this weekend.  After all, she just might see another antique rug she likes more and I don't want to draw anything on linen for naught.  
So now lets get to the elephant in the room ~ I need an antique fix since Animals Great and Small is all hooked.  But am having a difficult time finding a rug that makes my heart skip a beat.  Yes, I do have a 'plus one' which I've started but want a project that I'm excited about.  Here are the ones I'm considering.

Have hooked a number of Magdalena designs but not this Double Rooster rug.  If I do this one it would go on my kitchen floor.
Then was gravitated toward this antique Chicken Pair to go in that spot.  
Was still eyeing this horse rug.
This Deer Torsi, a 19th century hooked rug also caught my eyes.
I cropped the busy border off this antique horse rug previously shown, which is also in the running.  
After all that, I've made a decision.  Now I have a 'main event' and a 'plus one' guest when needed.
