Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Home Stretch with Big Dog Hollow

Sheesh, can't believe Big Dog Hollow is almost done since I've not been hooking as much as normal.  Or at least it seems that way since yard work, pattern drawing and other LIFE issues got in the way.

Okay, I'm sure you are all sitting on the edge of your seat waiting to see my Big Dog rug.  Frankly I can't wait to see it on the computer monitor either ~ want to see if dark blue or any other color needs to be replaced with something else.
When I first started hooking this rug wondered if all the stars should be the same color or different ~ make them blend into the background or not.  After much deliberation and comments from friends decided to make them different.  Actually the sliver moon is even more different than any of the stars but is difficult to tell in this picture. 

So I'm in the home stretch now and the rest SHOULD be a piece of cake.  The dove will be close to the other dove on the left.  What I'm worried about are the lambs at the bottom..... SIGH.  Wonder how many times I'll reverse hook those guys until I feel comfortable with them?

Thanks for dropping by and please be kind to one another.  A smile at someone could change their day.  Hold a door open for someone...AND if someone holds one open for you, say "Thank you".  Kindness in contagious.



  1. OH! You're so close!!!
    Hugs :)

  2. I cannot believe how fast you hook!!!! Do you ever sleep? I decided what I want to hook my tote out of. See the discussion on RHD. But, one rug at a time. I am working on a Searsportrugs patterns and having so much fun. Gotta finish this first.

    Keep Hooking Baby!!!!!

  3. Saundra, you have done a marvelous job with this rug. The background is dreammy like. I love the colors you have chosen and to see it all come to life has been a great motivater to pick up that hook and go to town. ;)
    Nice job.


Thanks for taking the time to visit and I always welcome comments.