Monday, January 27, 2020

Heart Butter Mold All hooked

Yippee, all hooked and steamed; now just needs to be bound.  So it will be done to display during February in time for Valentine's Day.  Again, the PDF pattern was designed and offered by Julie of Primitive Heartstrings.

Here it is.
In case you're wondering, yes I already have a new project picked out and it is already drawn.  It is another PDF pattern which I've had for a few years and envied everyone who hooked theirs.  Now it is my turn.  But first must bind this one.  

Happy Monday everyone.



  1. Sweet, sweet finish...but you meant Julie, not Laurie :)

  2. Oh, Saundra, It's AWESOME!!!!! I am so very happy with how it turned out and you did a FABULOUS JOB!!!! You certainly did my pattern proud!!!
    I'm sure the next one will be wonderful, too!!! Can't wait to see it!!!
    Take care and enjoy your week!!
    Heart Hugs~
    Julie xo

  3. Looks great, saundra!
    Love all the reds so much,,,
    Excited to see the next,,,,

  4. ohh keeping us guessing. Love this rug great color

  5. It turned out great! Perfect for February. I have an actual butter mold I'm working on, does that count? (Someone painted it 😡)


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