Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Doldrums on Blue Bowl

Once upon a time I was super excited to hook this antique adaptation.  The old rug has haunted me for a few years now and recently decided to draw it big.  Why?  

First thought was I could put this aside and work on smaller stuff when I get a bug up.... and it was fun until starting to hook the soft flower and leaf colors.  Then all of a sudden it didn't look like the antique nor my expectations of what my wool would do.  
Perhaps that is because it is a big rug for me and I'm working too close.  The bowl is huge ~ or at least to me it is yet the bowl was the fun part.  This rug measures 30 x 41.   Below is a picture of the original antique.
Tomorrow I'll post the latest updates on the Granny Hook-along rugs and tease you with the next group hook-along.  It will be an easy fun project for new hookers and perhaps this is why I'm antsy, maybe I'm ready to play in the wool box again and sit this big one aside. 

If you know any newbie hookers this next one will be a perfect beginner project.  Will also give you experienced hookers a challenge too.  Can't wait to share it.

Happy hooking.



  1. The blue in the diamonds of the bowl are far too light in depth. It will turn into a bullseye effect once other parts of the design are hooked.
    I'm not in favor of putting on a wash of dye over a hooked piece for a number of reasons, however, it might help to deepen just one of the diamonds for a comparison. That will help to achieve a closer adaptation of the original rug.
    Good luck. 30x41 isn't a large rug.

  2. It is a large rug but I like what you've hooked so far. It will look awesome as you continue hooking the flowers and background.

    I can't see myself hooking on two rugs at a time. My wool is sprawled all over the table and I'm having a difficult time keeping it straight in my head. I've ripped up a portion and have left the rug sit alone until I get the urge to try to fix the areas that are problematic for me. In the mean time I've been crocheting but I don't seem to have much spare time lately.

    I'm looking forward to cheering the girls on to the finish.


  3. Why are there people like Unknown in this world? Constructive criticism is one thing if given with good intentions...and if that were the case here, there would be no need to be "unknown".... And, in my book, that last comment is just unnecessary. Perhaps "unknown" is some great UNknown rug hooker, but there are those of us who do this for the enjoyment it brings us...not for competition and, for me, yes, that is a large rug. Or perhaps "unknown" is really not some great unknown after all?? ~Robin~

  4. I am with Robin what the H---? If you are going to give that kind of advice at least let the person know who you are and if you have any business giving that kind of advice. I think your rug is lovely I say wait until you finish before making any big decisions on the basket. hmmm I just finished my fish rug maybe I can join this hook along. Looking forward to seeing everyone's rugs.

  5. According to the photos which may be misleading, your hooked basket is brighter/lighter than the original whose colours look darker and subdued. I like it though. And once you get an outline of the dark border around it you may like it more.
    Oooo I’m intrigued by the next challenge!!

  6. A rug this size is not big - for factory made one. For a hand hooked rug, it's big. As a non-rug hooker, I think it's huge. I have no idea how people can hand hook (or tie) room size rugs. I suspect "do it or starve/freeze" had a lot to do with it in some places.

    I like your version of the basket with the brighter colors. I wonder if instead of soft pastel flowers, they might need to be a bit brighter? No idea, just ramblings from someone who mostly plays with color in quilting fabrics. Also, I wonder how faded at least some of those flowers are on the original, they might have been a lot brighter?

  7. Oh I really like the colors of your blue bowl ....when you start the background colors , won't that tone colors down ? Think it's very similar to the antique version , only that one is worn & dirty from being used ....
    Can't wait to see what the next challenge will be !!!

  8. Good Morning,
    Well, whomever that person who left that top comment, is a coward. That is what I always heard when a person leaves a comment but is afraid to leave a name. I wonder if that person even knows how to hook? Armchair quarterbacks are always free with advice. I love your blue bowl. I love how its turning out and it is a very big rug. I have learned so much from you and you have been such a encouragement to me. I can't wait to learn all about our new hook along.
    Kim---I signed my name. :)

  9. Oh boy I really need to get my Granny piece finished I better get hooking! You don't waste any time, lol

  10. I love the Blues! Did right from the beginning,,,,
    Hope to get more hooking done tomorrow,,,,

  11. I do like the colors of the flowers you started. I need to get my big rug out and work on it soon. Janice

  12. I have been in love with the Blue Bowl since you started working on it. Hey, an antique adaptation doesn't have to look exactly like the original. And to me, that is a H.U.G.E rug!!! Take Unknown's less than kind comment with a grain of salt and a little bit of tequila.

  13. I love this rug and you are doing beautifully. Its on my to do list!! Cant wait to see it finished❤️❤️


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