Friday, February 10, 2023


It's getting dangerously close to finishing both rugs I'm working on and need to have something ready for my frame when done.  Otherwise I'm like an addict waiting for my next fix.  So I've been searching thru old photos , for something new on Pinterest and auction web sites.

Have printed out some of those which interest me at the moment ~ remember I'm fickle.  Already think I've eliminated the second on the left.  The one with the duck, do you even see the duck?  It's hard to see since it blends into the background as they are similar in value.  So there is a simple lesson in value, but sometimes when choosing wool colors and I'm not sure, I have to pull out my value finder.  
The top on the left was my number 1 pick but I just finished hooking a triangle border on Double Eagles.  Before I'm finished hooking the present two rugs I'll probably find an excuse to not hook any of these.  I need some fresh antique rug blood.

The last couple days have been delightful and I even washed my sheets and hung them outside.  Mother nature is about to do a turn-around with lower temps and a couple days of rain.  But before that changes thought I'd show you daffodils in bloom here.  These are the only ones in the yard in full bloom so far but great to see spring showing her face.
Still no linen.  Rather than calling Dorr again I check my credit card to see if a charge has been placed, as that would indicate it is on its way ~ no charge yet.  Thank goodness the gal said she is working on finishing up some of her projects and not to worry.  She's been very patiently waiting for the Domestic Zoo pattern.
Happy Friday folks.  'Tis almost wine O'clock.  🍷



  1. As you probably already know, I'm not an antique rug aficionado but if I was forced to pick a favorite it would be the second from the top on the right side. I love the earthy colors.

    Oh I can't believe that you still have no snow and that daffodils are blooming in your yard. It snowed again during the night and we got another 6 to 8 inch. Lots and lots of snow here.

    Enjoy your daffodils.

  2. Oh I love antique rugs. I have a few favorites, so cannot wait to see which one you choose. I was able to hook a bit today. Am loving the the rug! Thanks again for drawing this out for me!!! Janice

  3. Hands down, the same one Julia chose - second from the top on the right - below the stars. Love it. I am just amazed at the sight of those daffodils blooming. Wow. I still haven't unearthed my sidewalk and we had a stretch of fairly mild days. ~Robin~ (TheCrankyCrow) (ps...still at the vet...he's in surgery now.)

  4. Great minds travel parallel paths. I concur with Julia and Robin.
    Oh, pick some of those daffodils and bring them in the house to enjoy.

  5. I really had to look to see the duck. I've heard "color gets the credit, value does the work" for quilts. That's probably true in anything dealing with color.
    I'm liking the stars rug. Quite suitable for upcoming Memorial Day and 4th of July holidays. My number 2 choice would be the bottom right.

  6. Cant believe u gave daffodils,,,,, and hung outside ,,,, love my sheets outside,
    We had more snow ,,, after rsin on Thursday, ,,, grrrr,,,, not nice,,,
    Crazy winter,,,
    Love the pics of Maybe Mats,,,,

  7. I agree with the other Gals ...the second rug from the top right ! Love the basket with flowers ! You have Daffodils already !!!


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