Wednesday, March 22, 2023


.. even if it is only an outline.  Seems I spend more time thumbing thru worms and various cut wool in search of the appropriate color than I do pulling loops.  That is why this is all I have to show you on the new project.
I was unsure about the orange scroll color on to the top left that is why it isn't completely finished.  But wanted to hook a little just to compare with the original antique.  Now that I'm looking at the original antique below and comparing to my hooked section above, think I'm safe using that color since in person the color I chose does appear more orange than red.
Hmm, in the antique photo seems I need to pull my green worm bag out as some of the background has a green tint.  Oh my, more worms to search thru and add to the mix.  What is that date at the bottom?  My first my thought was 1917 but decided it was 1911 which is what I drew on the pattern.

Why oh why did I draw this pattern 32 x 35.5?  Believe me I've asked myself that many times.  The horse, from tail to nose measures 23.5, almost 2 feet.   So why?  I wanted another big rug to rotate in front of my fireplace.  Soon I'll be replacing the one which resides there.  This rug won't be ready but perhaps I'll show you my present rotation regimen for that spot on my next blog post.

Today was a very warm day as will be tomorrow.  So it is over and out here for sneezy/watery/blowy as the pollen heightens.  

Happy  hooking.



  1. I can understand the difficulty in finding the right worms for this project.
    I think that those non-descript color placements are far more difficult to accomplish than a detail piece.
    I know how you love those kind of rugs and that you'll persist to the end and then you'll be glad you did. For my part, I would be pulling the little bit of hair I have left. All the difficult rugs you hooked have turned out to looking amazing.

    The St John River opened up today, so spring is definitely here.
    Hang in there, Hugs.

  2. Your horse is looking amazing...and you have made incredible progress according to my, admittedly shamefully low, standards. Enjoy your warmth - we woke guessed it, more snow. ~Robin~ (TheCrankyCrow)

  3. That is going to be one very cool adaptation!!!

  4. This is going to be a bigger and Beautiful piece ! I admire how you can make your rugs look so nice and old .
    Was 60 & windy here this morning , but now it is raining . Looks like Saturday will be a mix bag of everything ...typical New England !

  5. This is going to be one big cool rug once completed! Janice

  6. Keep cool with the pollen,,,
    Love ur horse!!


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