Friday, June 7, 2024


For you stitchers, here is something I found during my on-line antique textile hunt.  Look at the remarkable work of a 9 year old.  As you're well aware, back then young girls were taught handiwork as one area of perfection expected of a proper lady of the time.  I'd never have been selected as a wife with my stitchery examples, lol.
In case you can't read the text here is what was shown as the close up of that section.
I received my wool samples from The Wool Studio a couple days ago.  You cannot depend on the photos on the web site to properly depict the true color.  I was pleasantly surprised to see Cranberry Relish is not like the picture on her web site.  I ordered a yard since is a dark red and not a pinky red. Also ordered more of the Black Jack reversible which is a staple of mine.

So as a public service announcement I'm posting these more true colors of her wool.  If you have trouble figuring out the name of the wool from my photo to that on her web site, email me and I'll give you the name.  BE SURE you are not a No-Reply blogger or you won't get my reply.
Happy Friday.



  1. I'm in awe of this little girl ability to cross stitch at only 9 years old. This is just an amazing work of art.
    Thanks for sharing. Hugs, Julia

  2. The talent those young girls had is phenomenal!
    I don't get Rebecca's mailers. I don't need to be tempted...but at today's hook in one vendor had some older wools so I got a yard and a half of that and a half yard of a new wool. Just shoot me!!! I have no room for it.

  3. That sampler is lovely and crazy a 9 year old did it.
    I am on a buying freeze right now as far as rug hooking. I have so much ahead of me right now. Not sure how long the freeze will last lol.

  4. Wow,,,that sampler ,,,,Amazing work,,,Can't imagine,,,
    Thanks for sharing,,

  5. Just amazing a 9 year old stitched that sampler ! My Mother had me do a printed sampler , think I started it at 7 years old , but finished at 12 years old ! And my stitches are nothing like this ! I can't even show it to you ! LOL
    The Wool Studio has beautiful wool .

  6. Thanks for including this beautiful sampler in your post...truly amazing. I'd love to examine it up close and person to see what kind of floss and linen was used. As much as I stitch and despite having been immersed in the world of stitching, I am never ceased to be amazed at the incredible talent and skill of the young girls (and often boys!) who worked these pieces. Glad you were able to add some beautiful wools to your stash! I added a few pieces of linen to my stash too. Like Sissy, now to find room for it. ;-) ~Robin~


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