Monday, August 26, 2024

WHAT'S IN A NAME? (Updated)

You've seen this rug worked in stages and is now finally bound and finished except for the label.  The label will be forthcoming when I've 6 labels to print out.  Now for the title of my post ~ What's in a Name?

I always name my rugs even if they are antique adaptations.  If by chance the auction house provides information which makes a great name I'll use that.  Or in the case of Magdalena Briner Eby rugs I'll use those names previously given since they are iconic.

This one, however, had me in a quandary.  Frankly when I first saw this antique rug thought it was ugly because of the background.  The background seemed cluttered, junky and never had any intention to hook it.  Until I did, lol.  
Therefore, my first thought was to name it "Junk Yard Dog".  Any of you the age to remember Jim Croce?  He had some wonderful songs and one was named "Bad, Bad Leroy Brown" who was meaner than a Junk Yard Dog.  So the idea of naming it "Junk Yard Dog" was born, because the background was junky on the antique.
BUT, my dog adaptation doesn't look mean at all.  Matter of fact comparing the two my poor pup's background looks pale in comparison.  So I'm searching for a name.  Two of my amiga's have suggested names in the past but am opening up the idea again.  

    Have been brainstorming with a compadre and came up with a few           ideas for a name in addition to those listed above:

    Leroy Brown  ~  Leroy   ~  Leroy's Dog   ~  Jim Croce   ~  Jim's Dog  ~        Croce's Dog   ~     

NOTE:  If it wasn't bad enough with the NO-REPLY Blogger issue, it seems even those whose emails would previously show up in my personal email, they no longer do.  So unless I have your email in my 'contacts' list I'm unable to communicate with you.

And when you make a comment even tho there is a 'reply' section you wouldn't see my reply unless you visit the comment section again.  Seems BLOGGER has gone BONKERS.  Oh, and let us not forget they removed the option for people to subscribe to our blogs.  Okay, am off my soap box now.

Got an idea for my doggie rug?



  1. Well, you know this amiga's suggestion already. ;-) ~Robin~

  2. You could name the rug "Jim Croce" so everyone will be scratching their head going "HUH?".

  3. It's a great mat,,,,
    Name???sweet dog!!!!
    I remember Jim croce song,,,,

  4. Junk Yard Dog On Vacation. Like many humans, dog works in a cluttered, crowded environment, so on vacation heads for the parks and open spaces.

  5. Your Junk Yard Dog came out great ! If my girls were here they would have good names for you ....someone will come up with a very clever name !

  6. If I comment from my phone it comes out anonymous not sure why.
    I like junk yard dog the best. And I do remember that music!


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