Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving

Many of you aren't reading my post right now because you're in the kitchen getting ready for tomorrow's festivities.  If not in the kitchen you are cleaning or setting the dining room table......

And Me?  I'm sitting on my you-know-what in my home, while my dear son gets things ready to cook the meal for me and the family tomorrow.  My dear daughter-n-love is probably cleaning.

This is a design by Needl'love that I hooked a few years ago.
Being THANKFUL..... I'm thankful for my son (Greg) who didn't grow in my belly but in my  heart ~ he was adopted when he was 8 months old.  I'm thankful for my beautiful daughter-in-love (Cathy) who is the daughter I never had, am grateful for my handsome, smart grandson (Zach) that Cathy and Greg made together.  I'm also thankful for my sweet boy Ben who was also adopted.

OH, lest I forget that I'm also thankful for my personal and on-line friends.  You all are my rock when there is no one else to talk to but I know you are all out there in cyber-land.  Thank you!

Have a great evening and have a Happy Thanksgiving with family and friends.



  1. It sounds like the kids have everything taking care of, so you can rest, that is truly a blessing. I am having an off day, but I got the cleaning done yesterday and cooked a few things today. Bill does the main meal since it is mostly cooking and cutting. I hope you have a wonderful day tomorrow, with your family.


  2. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.

  3. Have a wonderful food, family and gratitude filled day!

  4. Happy Thanksgiving!
    Hope you have a wonderful one.
    I love your turkey rug!

  5. Happy Thanksgving to you too!! Enjoy your day! My son & daughter in law are also doing the cooking!

  6. Hi Saundra , love your turkey and happy belated Thanksgiving!

  7. Saundra,
    A very happy holiday good wish to an online friend who has become a dear one to me. Thanks for all the encouragement and advice you have provided me. It has meant the world to me.
    Thanksgiving feasting will have to wait at least a week. I am still fighting a horrible cold which I don't dare inflict on others. But look out, I see sweet potatoes and marshmallow topping awaiting.


Thanks for taking the time to visit and I always welcome comments.