Sunday, November 23, 2014

Two Mats all hooked

Magdalena's Folk Art Horse mat is all hooked and almost completely bound.  The pattern was purchased from Woolley Fox when they had their sale about 8 months ago or so.  This a picture with a flash but makes everything look washed out.
Here is a picture without a flash which gives the more true color but is a tad blurry.
Notice that delicious mottled tan block in the top center?  I can't remember it's name but it was purchased from Betsy and when I was in her class this month picked up a couple more small pieces.  My roomie Deb noticed how nicely it hooked up so she went on a search through Betsy's wool to pick out a few quarter yard pieces for herself also.  I've included a piece of that wool to the right of the mat so you can see what it looks like.  When Betsy and Eric have it remilled I'll definitely buy some more. 

And of course I can't forget that Jolly Snowman that I purchased from Star Rug Company last winter.  He is on my school marm's desk all ready for the season.
Have a great evening everyone.  December is coming soon and I usually buy myself something special for my birthday (which is in December) as well as a Christmas gift to me.  This year I'm going to order a Townsend #9.5 short cartridge.  So if any of you have one you'd like to sell or if any of you know of someone having a sale on them, please write me HERE.  Do you know they are now $168 each?????  OMG!

Have a great evening.




  1. Two beautiful rugs! I think I have had a piece of that Betsy wool before. It does hook up very nice. I have the Townsend blades 5 through 8.5 . I keep trying to talk myself out of ordering a 9

  2. Love both pieces, you really used some beautiful color choices and variegated wools.


  3. Both your rugs are lovely and I'm partial to that cute snowman. There's just something special about him.

    A Townsend cutting cartridge sounds like a nice birthday gift to yourself. You certainly deserve it at the rate you're hooking...

    Love that beautiful wool too... hooks like butter? lol...Hugs,

  4. WOW! Two great finishes. You are just a hookin' fool!!!
    That Betsy wool is wonderful. I don't know if I've seen that one before. There are SO MANY wonderful wools out there.
    $168??? Ouch, but in the long run worth it.
    Hugs :)

  5. Wow, those are wonderful!
    It always amazes me to see an actual sample block of wool, then see what it looks like worked up. Not the right term, of course, but the changes are very compelling. That's a great appeal of your blog, seeing the outcome of your work. I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving, and blessings to come on your birthday, and Christmas!

  6. Saundra,

    Is there any difference in the cartridges for the original versus the Beeline edition? I have the original and have been told there are some difference between the two. For instance, the cutter hard-bodied case for the original doesn't fit the Beeline. Just curious.
    P.S. Love the horse rug but then I enjoy pretty much everything you do hook.


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