Thursday, January 14, 2016

Dye Pot is Back and a Thank You

First, I want to thank all the friends who gave their comments about the corners of my sheep rug.   Frankly, I want to extend a huge thanks for everyone who reads my blog even if they don't comment.  Yet, comments sure are fun to read as it is great to get other opinions.  

Hey, that is what it's like when going to a hook-in or rug camp.  You sit beside someone and there is that communication on what we each like, how we do things and learn from one another.  Just love that connection. Just remember there is no right or wrong, each of us have our likes and dislikes.  Please feel free to comment or ask a question.  I love the interaction.

Okay, remember the dye post the other day?  There was more of that dye recipe left so put it in a jar to use later.  Today was later. Just below is a camel color part of a skirt at the top AND...remember that blue wool turn out in the previous dye post?  The same kind of wool is below the camel.  So it will be fun to see how this dye job goes with the very same recipe and same piece of wool but with a little less wool.
Okay, since the dye post of the other day was with almost half yard of wool and today is just half that, decided to add another piece of wool from a jacket.  So ended up not really being 1/4 yard after all, but not over half yard as it was the other day.    
Here are the results of the last dye job with the very same recipe but with almost half the wool in the pot.  The top is the skirt parts, second is the same piece of wool which turned blue in the previous dye job. Below that is the random addition.  Interesting to say the least.  What the hell is it with that 
Below are the two blue results.  The top one was from the first dye job the other day, and the bottom is from the latest results.  Oh it is fun to dye and see the surprises.
Since I love antique rugs these dye jobs with the mottled look is perfct for me and will be used at some time in one of my rugs.

Have a grand evening everyone.  The cold windy air left and tomorrow will be a fine day.  Since it won't be a high utility alert day just might do a couple loads of washing.  As I'm an old fashioned girl will even hang my sheets on the line for a while then finish in the dryer.  Yes, I'm old fashioned, love the fresh air smell, plus like to keep the electric bills down. 

Confession, the first two wools in the photo were put in the pot to soak and THEN realized I'd not taken a photo of the wool first.  So there are spots of water and detergent spots on them.  I dipped them in and immediately pulled them out to take a photo.

Hugs to everyone and FYI, sadly I didn't win the Power Ball.....bummer.


  1. I love the surprise of over dyeing wool. When you add different wool color in the same dye pot, they can go so well together as they take each other's colors.

    Thanks for sharing your experiment.


  2. I didn't win either darn. I love that blue so pretty.

  3. I can't wait to start dyeing. Those are all going to make gorgeous backgrounds.

  4. Great results and it is fun to experiment. I Guess I better get some wool in the pot, before my dyes get too old, lol. I tend to just throw wool in and color and see what happens, sometimes I get great shades but then I forget how I did it;)


  5. I didn't win either :(
    With the lottery pool at work, we won!!! 90 tickets and we won $16!!! Woo hoo :)
    Hugs :)

  6. I think the surprise when you over dye is wonderful. I too love simplicity and quiet. My favorite place is a quiet library or just watching a Murder mystery Miss Marple or Good old Poirot. Hugs cheri

  7. Love seeing the dye results. So different in color.

  8. We had one number, won $4. Wooo Hooo!



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