Monday, June 27, 2016

Monday Madness

Okay, it wasn't really madness but that was a catchy title. Today was hectic and busy.  First thing early this morning was the arrival of the plumber... yeah, think about what they make per hour and it isn't minimum wage either folks.  

Last weak discovered a leak in the master shower running from the shower head at the wall and running down the side and in front of the shower floor.  So for the last several days have been using the guest bath.  Of course I worried the walls would need to be ripped out, new shower installed along with a new floor etc.  WHEW, I feel blessed to have only had a bill of $145 for an hour's work.  Am definitely looking forward to using my shower again.

I know you want me to fast forward to the 'good stuff'  the hooking stuff but.... since it is to rain tomorrow decided to cut grass.  So right after breakfast and with plumber gone I cut my boy Ben's back yard with the push mower....half an hour.  Then after lunch got on the riding mower and cut the rest of the major part of the yard with the riding mower for an hour.  Mama is still hot and tired.

So now to the GOOD stuff.  Had really hoped to make the transition from grandson's sports rug to the Ned design a day or so ago but that didn't happen.  And, won't pull loops on it tonight either because I'm just too tired.

However, I did look at some wool and will sleep on where I will go tomorrow.  
Think I'll hook the butterfly first and then the flower.  As I always prefer to look in my worm bags first, came up with the two bundles you see hugging one another.  My thought was to have the lighter multicolored stripe grey as the soft center but not sure about the outline yet.

Well of course there must be purple in the rug, it is a vintage design I first saw hooked at Barb Carroll's and where I was first educated of the 'neutral color purple'.  
Now, whether or not this particular purple will be in the rug or another purple not sure yet.  Just looking for a suitable outline for the butterfly.
The wool worms above hooks up rather like a soft paisley and is a piece of wool (I think) came from Dorr.  It has gold, teal, red/orange.  Might be nice to blend with other colors BUT do I need poison?
 The wool above might be too bold and at odds with the horse color.  Seemed like a good idea at the time.  
So then I saw a piece of wool with green, blue and red.  And who knows if that soft grey dainty stripe wool will end up being the soft center of the butterfly.  You all know how I make a right hand turn without a signal at any given moment.  Kim of Glass Half Full knows me as the Queen of Tweak.

Since I'm a tired will look at these options and others with fresh eyes tomorrow over coffee and after a nice refreshing shower in the master bath.  I am the MASTER of my DOMAIN.  Hmm, or maybe it is my boy Ben who is the master of this place.  
Please be kind to one another.  I believe that kindness and a smile can be contagious.  



  1. I love your rug Ned! you have been busy, so happy that it didn't cost you more.

  2. I can't believe you are too tired to pull a few loops!!!
    Isn't it amazing that we can think $145 is a great deal when we anticipated so much more???
    LOVE that picture of Ben.
    Sure wish we'd get some rain that amounted to something.
    Hugs :)

  3. Wool question. Do you have a usual amount of yardage you purchase of a wool? Like a yard or ? I am building my stash but have been buying like quarter yards and now realize that really isn't enough to do much.

  4. Hi Saundra,
    So sorry about the shower problem but happy it is finally fixed! We had all kinds of issues this past week and one is still not resolved! Always something!!! Ned is looking so good and I think your color choices are fun and interesting! He will be a beauty!!! Hope you can have all kinds of time today to pull loops! Ben is so handsome and sweet! Our new grand dog Charlotte is so gentle and loving, too!!
    Hope you have a super week!!
    Heart Hugs~

  5. Saundra how cute a rug is that! I do love your colors. What a good looking dog.
    Hugs cheri


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