Sunday, November 5, 2023


Figured maybe you might miss me 😁 so thought I'd do one more antique rug show before I left.  Recently found this 19th century hooked chicken with a delightful blotchy background.
A cat hooked early 20th century.  And to think I was scared to hook my first rug with scrolls and this woman just did her thing with what she had.  Lovely.
The deer rug with hands really had me thinking.  Did the hooker mean to imply that deer fed 4 people in the family?  Are those flowers a way of giving thanks?  See why I love antique rugs?  Did it take 4 hands to bring down the big buck?   Back then the people hooked out of need but usually also designed their rugs with meaning.  Now, or at least for me, I hook what strikes my fancy at the moment.  I've only designed a couple rugs with an emotional or special meaning.
Somewhat blurry are two cats with a pot of flowers.                       
Guess I need a dog and horse rug to complete the post, and maybe a landscape for good measure.

Running Horse 26 x 40 collection of Alain and Louise Huin.
A dog rug but with no date or other information provided.
And finally the landscape.  A h
ouse with birds (17 x 39) from the collection of Jeff Gorrin & Susan Fetteroff.
Am sure I won't post anything from camp but will try to return replies to emails and comments.  Happy hooking or stitching everyone.



  1. That deer rug is puzzling with the hands. I suppose it could be as simple as it was a family of four and the hooker chose to represent each one with a hand. Another mystery we will never unravel I suspect. Again, have fun at camp...we'll be back here thinking of you! ~Robin~

  2. I agree with Robin. It must have been a family of 4., but we'll never know.
    I like the cat with the scrolls. The rug hooker must not have separated all the wool colors to equally hook all the scrolls but it has a unique quality about it.

    We'll miss you as you are gone. Have a safe trip and enjoy yourself.


  3. Have just the most wonderful time! I love the rugs but don't see one that really sings to me in this bunch

  4. Love the last rug ...houses & baskets get me every time !
    Have a Wonderful time at the Rug Camp !!! Enjoy laughing & being together with a bunch of Hookers !!!!

  5. Of course we will miss you but do have fun. We’ll be waiting when you return to see what all you’ve done 😊 PS don’t need to respond- go have fun 🤩
    Lady Locust

  6. Like Cathy, none of this bunch sings to me, but even if one did, I would have no time for it!

  7. the deer {dear} rug with hands stopped me mid reading! I have a very small mat that looks like it could have been made by the same maker as that rug!
    I'll post it on my blog today so you {and everyone else} can see what I mean!
    enjoy your time with wooly friends!
    Lori from Notforgotten Farm

  8. Thanks ,,,,for the Show!
    Love the chicken,,,
    Have fun,,,


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