Thursday, November 16, 2023


Am sure many of us have way too many magazines on their shelves or somewhere in the house and I'm guilty of that.  I promised myself to not subscribe to Primitive Quilts and Projects when my subscription was going to lapse.  I failed to keep that promise and subscribed again going until 2025.  Foolish I know.

Just received my Winter 2023 issue and on the cover top left look at what it says  ... "Our final print issue".  
So until my subscription ends in 2025 they will be sent via email.  At least I can save any interesting hooking patterns without adding magazines to my overwhelming stash.  

In the latest issue of Rug Hooking Magazine there is an article on a book excerpt about Louisa Creed.  Not sure if you remember but I showed several rugs hooked by Louisa and her departed husband Lewis.  You can see those previous posts HERE.
Again I've promised myself to not renew my subscription when this subscription ends.  Hope I keep that promise.  One subscription I will continue to support is ATHA as it offers more than the other two IMHO.
Uh, anyone want to buy a particular issue of RHM or Primitive Quilts and Projects?  If so contact me.

Just sat down to pull a few loops as I was busy most of the day and want to make a little progress on the sheep.  Happy hooking.



  1. When the Simple Life magazine went to online, I did not subscribe. Apparently there were more of me's out there, because after one year they stopped that as well. Janice

  2. I would never even open an online issue of a magazine....Sometimes I don't even get around to opening the printed issues. 😳 If I were you, I'd call and cancel. Most every subscription allows you to do that. It may take a month (or several) for the cancelation and refund to go through, but it would be better than waiting it out to 2025. ~Robin~

  3. I used to get that quilt mag just in the shops,,,,Have given them away to friends,,,,
    Had a great get away at an old Mill, with 5 girl friends,,,just home yesterday,,,
    Lots of chat,,knitting,,,eating,,,Did a fun afternoon of learning needle felting,,,Made a snowman,,,,,No rug hooking done,,,,

  4. I have complete collections of 4 magazines. Sampler and Antique Needlework and Quilter's Newsletter Magazine, both no longer published. Threads and Piecework, still being published. Sooooo much space used on the shelves!! I did read each and every issue. Well, except for the QNM issues I just got this summer and I'm slowly working my way through those.

    I did get a digital archive of Threads when it first came out. I found I prefer paper magazines, and I can scribble notes on the pages if needed. At the time, I had to sit at the computer to read from it though, no tablet at the time. I'm not sure what I'll do if (when?) the current subscriptions go to digital only.

    I was surprised at the grocery store a couple of weeks ago. All the magazine racks were, still are, empty. The checker had no idea why. The WM still had them, though nothing I'm interested in buying.

    The timing on Primitive Quilts stinks for you. I guess if it were me, I'd try the digital for a month or so. Then cancel if I didn't like the digital version. I understand that all print magazines are under huge financial pressures. Yet, every magazine I ever subscribed to was because I picked up a few issues at a store and read them first.

  5. I have requested my refund of PQP. I don't want a digital subscription.
    RHM. I re-subscribed because I got a special deal but I'm not sure it was even worth it.
    I'm with you. ATHA magazine is THE BEST ;-)

  6. I haven't subscribed to any magazines or bought any of any kind for quite a few years. I never had the time to make the things that interested me and they quickly accumulated. The price kept going up and the magazines had more advertisement and were getting thinner. I even gave away all my RHM away to a charity shop.
    I used to get way more inspirations fro Rug Hooking Daily when Heidi Wulfraat was running it. I really miss that forum.

    Is't that bear rug a beauty? It looks almost real. It makes me want to run my fingers through the white fur.

    I've been busy all week preparing for our Church Bazaar. It was a great success. We'll know the tally sometimes this week when all the money is in. Now I can put my feet up.
    Take care and stay well.

  7. only a few magazines still visit my I can choose what I want to see online, I'm ok with that lol.
    have a few more tiny mats to hook for our open house, I even hooked one in a 6 cut which for me is miniscule!
    happy hooking ~
    Lori from Notforgotten Farm


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