Sunday, November 19, 2023


Thought I'd show you what my slow progress hooking the sheep is looking like now.  Changed that bow and of course the body which still isn't finished.
The photo below was then ~ just after camp and before reverse hooking some loops.  For sure I'll redo that brown spot to the left and make it softer colors.  Not sure what else will be done over but will have a better idea once the sheep is hooked.
And, this is a photo of the original antique.
Am missing working on the eagle but the sheep needs attention first.  Hope everyone had a great weekend but bet most of you spent time preparing for Thanksgiving this coming week.  Where in the world has this past year gone?



  1. You aced it, Saundra. It looks so much better. Now I think that hooking the rest will be a piece of cake for you.
    It's getting dark so early and with the time change but time is still moving too fast for me too.

  2. It looks great but no surprise there. I thrifted and out to lunch Sat and this morning brunch with my daughter and family

  3. Love UR new revised sheep,,,,
    Colder here now and snow this week,Brrr,,,
    Happy Thanksgiving,,,💓💓

  4. Oh, your sheep-y looks MUCH better!!!

  5. And thankfully I do not have to cook on Thanksgiving...but still haven't baked my pumpkin rolls...which I absolutely hate doing, but I can't break tradition ;-(

  6. Your sheep looks great ! We did a craft fair Saturday and Sunday ....another disappointing show ....people don't have money to spend now , so only lower priced things sold . Time to clean the house for Thanksgiving and decorate for Cmas !!! Then I can hook again !

  7. I like your sheep now. Looks great. Janice


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