Oh boy this morning shower was wonderful after not getting one yesterday with no electricity. And a treat to have coffee this morning while doing my thing on the computer. Already looks like it's going to be a delightful day.
Now to my accomplishments ... make that lack of, or at least a snail's pace when it comes to binding Animals Great and Small. Hooking this rug was a joy with every loop pulled. Binding is another matter and in order to completely finish the rug am only willing to allot an hour a day (during The Five TV news show) to work on that task. So basically only two sides are done ~ one long side and a short side. Will bind again today during The Five with a glass of wine to ease the drudgery.
The new rug on my frame might endure set-back but will wait and see. This first photo shows the flowers too dark and not how it looks in person.
Another photo taken from a different camera, again not what the dang rug looks like in person. But at least you can see there are flowers and buds.
Another photo taken from a different camera, again not what the dang rug looks like in person. But at least you can see there are flowers and buds.
This is the wool used and a piece I'd considered ugly before, but thought it might do the job for the big flowers and the buds. Once again not depicting the true colors. Will hook a little more and finally decide the fate of the flowers.
Yesterday the wind was still howling and local news said the sustained winds were 45mph. While I did get most of the mess cleaned up around my deck, it was scary being outside with strong winds with me under and around trees. Couldn't wait to get back safely inside.