Thursday, July 25, 2024

On the Road Again

It is New Year's eve, Sunday, December 31, 1979.  We departed Commerce, GA a little late at 8:35 a.m. and with a slight drizzle of rain.  For breakfast Gary and I had a southern favorite of red-eye gravy and we'll probably look for a stop-off every 10 miles all the way to Jackson, Mississippi.  Snapped a photo of a Jimmy Carter Blvd exit sign in Georgia.
Pyewacket, our cat, has become a very good traveler.  She hasn't meowed at all this morning after letting her out of the carrier.  Guess she decided she couldn't change the events so going with the flow.  Even after being let out of the carrier she will often sleep inside as she must find comfort in her den.  

Drove by the Atlanta Falcons Training Center at 9:20 a.m. with temp of 45 degrees F.  A little later as we entered Heflin, Alabama into the Central Time Zone so it is 10:30 a.m. (11:30 EST).  I thought Georgetown, DE was a small town but when a young man pumped our gas (remember those days??) in a very thick southern drawl he said, "it won't tek ya'll long to geet thru this hare itty-bitty town".  And right he was.

We're not on the east coast any longer, that's for sure.  Now it has become interesting to see the difference in climate and terrain from one state to another.  Georgia was rocky, hilly, and even mountainous with clay soil.  Alabama started out being mountainous but near the Mississippi border it is hilly, has fewer trees and the soil seems more sandy.  Of  course that is my observation traveling the highway looking at a distance.
We either keep missing the rain or this area's climate is very humid for the highway, road side and shoulders are wet.  Could be we're following the rain and have been lucky with our travel time and conditions as we are ahead of schedule.  Got to the Mississippi state line at 2:20 p.m.

Just had the scare of my life!  When we were coming off a detour into Mississippi we had to make a left curve.  Evidentially the rain, and possibly Gary going too fast, the angle with pulling a second vehicle, plus momentum of the Scout damn near pushed us of the road.  Guess the trucker term would be 'jackknife'.   So far that's the only incident in our trip.

Seems our luck of decent weather has run out.  Just 15 miles from Meridian, MS we have caught up with the rain which was only visible as dampness and puddles previously.   

Now it's my turn to drive at 3:10 p.m.  I was nervous as the Scout is quite a load to pull and already had the experience of the near jackknife.  Only drove for 1 hour 10 minutes but it was a break for Gary.  Still on the road we passed Jackson, MS so destination now is Vicksburg, MS.

Dark clouds hover over us as we drive through thunder storms just outside Jackson.  Yesterday we went through 4 states (Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia).  Today we travelled through the rest of Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi.  Tomorrow we will be going into Louisiana and Texas.
The storm is bad now.  At 4:10 p.m. we have made one-third of our trip.  We've come this far in three days and the normal travel time across the states is 6 days.  While I was driving we hit the 1,000 mile mark on the mileage gauge.

To be continued as the adventure isn't quite over.   


Tuesday, July 23, 2024


I have finally decided my next project and it is Bird on a Tree Stump.  Happens to be the last antique selected from my files so perhaps that's why it was chosen.
The pattern has been drawn as you can see below.  Since I often end up with odd sizes of linen from drawing various patterns I look thru my stash to see what comes closest to working for me.  If I don't have quite a 3" margin I will sew on a piece of cotton to ensure it fits over the gripper strips.  As that saying goes ... "waste not want not".
And you know I had to balance out the ground beneath the dog, this is what it looks like now.  
Here is the before; t
rue it was only a minor change but just enough to satisfy me.
And just in case you've forgotten what the original rug looked like, here it is below.
Now I've something new to keep me occupied during these couple days of rain.  What's on your frame?


Sunday, July 21, 2024


Or at least I think it is unless there's something I see on my monitor that I can't live with.  It still hasn't been steamed but that can wait for another day.
Now that I'm looking at the rug on my monitor I'm not happy with the imbalance of the ground at the bottom.  Will need to decide whether to make the left side a little higher or replace loops and make the right side a little lower.  As of this second I'm thinking making the left side a tad higher might be easier.


Friday, July 19, 2024


December 30, 1978, Saturday at 7:30 a.m. and we're already up and out of the motel.  We're going to make a quick stop in Colonial Heights, VA to so Gary can visit a high school classmate.  Grant and Gladys lived in Georgetown, DE.  when we did and they were our card-playing buddies.  Grant was at his barber shop so he and Greg went there to get a haircut and say 'goodbye' while I visited Gladys and kids. 

At 10:30 a.m. we gassed up with our destination Atlanta, GA, over 500 miles away.  I figured we are getting 11.3 miles to the gallon of gas pulling the weight of the Scout.  Had lunch just before noon from our cooler.  Food and milk is staying ice cold because we put fresh ice each time we stay at a motel.  Cat is quiet, dog asleep on my lap ~  Westward Ho the wagons.

12:45 p.m. Gary turned on the radio to listen to a football game and in self-defense I put the ear phones on and listened to Neil Diamond.  We're now in Oxford, NC.  Greg is reading a "Mad" magazine.  I gave him a notebook so he could keep his own thoughts of the journey but he never wrote one word.  Oh well, I tried.
So far the landscape is familiar, no dramatic changes that makes me go 'wow, look at that'.  Now getting 12.2 miles per gallons since changing over to Amoco Supreme gas and the van has stopped pinging.  But we started having difficulties with the interior gauge light and brake lights so Gary got out to do an equipment check and discovered we needed a fuse.  He also double checked the safety connection of the tow bar.  
Reached South Carolina at 5:15 p.m.  after driving 340 miles ~ 6 hours 15 minutes.  That wide mouth mayonnaise jar sure has come in handy!  

At 7:15 we made the Georgia state line and we are getting hungry since we've only snacked on cheese & crackers, radishes, carrots and tangerines today.

Finally we stopped in Commerce, GA at 7:55 see if there are 'any rooms in the inn".  We ate dinner and had a good sleep.

I promise you will read more exciting words as our journey progresses.  Sorry if you've been bored so hang in there just a little longer.


Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Changing of the Rugs

There are many rugs on my walls, which I've shown previously.  But also have favorites which I change according to my mood or season.  I'm a bit late for the summer rug but finally did it this morning.  That would be Blue Bowl of Flowers which I hooked during 2022.  It was fun and held my interest.

Anyone notice that orb on the right side just below the last brick?
It has been so dry here that finally after one month I cut the grass yesterday with the riding mower.  Today I cut Ben's fenced in yard with the push mower, ugh.   It's so hot and humid I hope grass doesn't need cutting for another month.

Yesterday I also did a couple more line drawings.  However still nothing drawn on linen for me to hook as I haven't made up my mind.  Here is another being auditioned so it may look familiar.
Guess I'd better get back to the Junk Yard Dog because soon it will be time for me to prepare a big green salad for dinner.  Plus severe thunderstorm warnings have been broadcast so should take advantage of light while I have it in case power goes out.  ta ta.


Monday, July 15, 2024

Junk Yard Dog Update

I've made a few changes to the rug, some obviously noticeable and others not so much.  You can survey the rug to discover them for yourselves, this is what it looks like now. 
Below is the before photo.  Interesting that I took the photo with the same camera, in the same spot but appears there's more of a shadow on the above photo so perhaps my chair was pulled out too far and casting a shadow.
And finally, here is the original antique.
Still haven't decided what my next project will be, but not only did I do some line drawings yesterday, I also reviewed more saved antique rug photos.  Hope I'll come to a decision soon as I will want something to start as soon as JY dog is hooked.

Another hot, hazy, humid day here and weatherman said a couple thunderstorms might come thru tonight.  Of course that means it would also bring rain with it.

Below is the inside thermostat showing the time is almost 7 p.m. yet the temperature outside is still a high 92 degrees.  I did have my thermostat set at 77 inside but changed it to 76 to cool me off just a little.  Am sure most of you keep your house cooler than that in the summer.  You wouldn't believe the low temps I keep my house during the winter in an effort to reduce my expenses.
Divine intervention saved former, and hopefully future, President Trump from an attempted assassination Saturday afternoon.  Am praying for the safety of President Trump and God Bless America .  Frankly I believe Robert Kennedy, Jr. should be allowed Secret Service protection as well.  Unfortunately he has been denied that by the present administration.


Saturday, July 13, 2024


Finding my next project is getting to a critical point now.  Not only could I have used it as a plus one during my frustration with the present rug but will need something to hook once the rug is finished.  I do have a line drawing for my Cape May camp project but want to save that one for September.  So once again I'm searching thru old photos of rugs.  

Here's a geometric that could use up left over cut strips and would change the date to 1941, the year I was born.
The deer and pup rug was on my 'maybe' list at some point so will keep it in mind too.
The crosses with blotchy background would be great for another worm buster and believe friend Lauren (Rugs and Pugs) hooked it a while ago.  I have Polly's book with a pattern in it but would try and replicate the antique version with no perfectly squared corners.  
Although I've said I don't like pink, I don't find this color below offensive and have previously considered hooking it.  Who knows what potential rug lurks in my mind.
The circa 1845 rug below has been on my radar before also.  Is that a vase with flowers coming out of it or  a flower in full bloom with buds?  Whatever it is it passes muster.
Another geometric I've considered in the past is the one below.  Thought it would be a good one to use up those selvage edges I've been collecting.
Am also interested in hooking either this Abe Lincoln antique or some rug with a log cabin.  I love log cabins.
Drawing up a pattern today is off the table as I'm not done with my hunt yet.  But wanted to get my blog post done so I can pull a few loops on Junk Yard Dog.  Sure hope a pattern floats my boat soon.

Mistake for me to say 'floats my boat', over Thursday night thru all day yesterday my area received 3.66" of rain.  Some areas in the county received more.  I don't see the lake but with more rain predicted it could happen.


Thursday, July 11, 2024


As previously mentioned, Gary's promotion was effective December 1st but they allowed us to share Christmas with family and take the holiday time for road travel to California.  Again, IBM would have flown us and the animals to California and put us up in a hotel until the furniture arrived.  But we wanted to see some of what was between the east and west coast and it was during school holiday.  

The entire family had our celebratory meal December 23rd, my mother and step father stayed a few days more and left Bowie, MD Christmas day.  

There were lots of tasks for us to complete before the movers came to pack up the house in 4 days.  The van would be pulling the In'tl Scout (storage unit) which would carry sleeping bags, cooler, 6 days of clothing, thermos, coffee pot, eating utensils and cat and dog food.  In the van with us would be a flashlight, cat carrier and litter box.  Oh, and wide mouth jar for emergencies on the road (you're welcome Robin 😎).
December 28, 1978 was packing day, where the hell did all that crap come from?  The movers had to rearrange things in order to get Gary's beloved Porsche in.  You can see part of the Porsche in the above photo.
Friday, December 29, was load and leave day.  
With the moving van finally out we departed Bowie, MD 7:35 p.m. with mileage of 55,960 on the van.  I'm now writing by flashlight.

Betty inquired as to how the pets were transported.  Both rode in the van with us and a litterbox stayed inside the van so Pyewacket could use it at will.  We also had a pet carrier for her to ensure she wouldn't accidentally escape when we stopped to walk Misty and to transport her from van to motel room.

Pyewacket travelled just fine and no need to use the tranquilizers the vet gave us.  BTW, Pyewacket was given her name because of a cute movie called Bell Book and Candle.  Here she is quite content looking out the window.
Misty asleep, guess she and the cat took turns at the prime spot.
Drove 100 miles from Bowie, MD and spent the night in Ashland, Virginia.  Each time we take off again from the start, or from a toll booth the cat starts meowing ~ ever hear a Siamese cat meow?  It's torture it it lasts too long. 

Trip beginning Saturday, December 30, 1978 will continue next week.  


Tuesday, July 9, 2024


Hook what you know is a lesson I learned early on when first attending rug camp.  After you've hooked the colors on the motifs the teacher color planned for your rug and she hasn't come full circle what do you do?  You hook some background because you know what color you want.  Or, that's another reason to carry something else to work on before the teacher makes her first rounds, when all else fails or at night.  But then I don't have a 'plus one' at the moment.
That is unless you're unsure exactly what you want to do with the background too.  In case you've not seen the original antique from which I adapted the rug, or don't remember here it is.
Because the antique rug's background was so busy (junky) is how it got it's name.  And since a majority of comments liked Junk Yard Dog name more than Lucky, that name won.  

I kept the initials at the top and made them into my initials of SP.  Didn't know if I wanted to fill in that small spot top left with the green or fill in with the tan.  AND, about those initials ... not sure I like the light color.  Perhaps I like the darker S shape at the front of my dog better than the light colors at the top.

Also not sure how I want to handle the background around the flowers ~ the top one has a white outline the one bottom left has a texture and since I'm undecided haven't even thought about the flower bottom right side yet.  

By now you're wondering just how long I've been hooking???  😑  Would you believe about 30 years???  I'm ashamed to admit that.  You'd think I'd have all the answers.  People who have been hooking less than me are teachers.  Oh well, if I didn't share my struggles with color and decisions what kind of blogger friend would I be?  Must say tho, I still enjoy the hooking process even if I hook myself into a corner.

Happy hooking inside with the A/C, baby it's HOT outside.


Sunday, July 7, 2024


Will start off with birds on flowers in pot, circa 1900.  It measures 28 x 39.  
Nicely hooked home said to be hooked early 20th century and size of 22 x 36.  Quite a good job I think; look at the value difference which gives the illusion of a porch floor.  As much as I'd love to have a hooked version of my home it's a challenge I'm not willing to take on.
A rather naïve hooked piece which I found interesting.  Notice the photo tab corners, X's for kisses, hearts and diamond shapes.  Perhaps this was a wedding rug?  Or is my romantic side showing 😍.
Another naïve hooked piece with scrolls, polka dots and hit and miss border.
I'm not fond of this rug and have had it on the flash drive for a few months and want to move it to a different folder.  So I'll make you look at it so I don't have to scroll past it each time I look for a rug to show.  It is sea shells and star fish.  Not sure what turns me off about it ~ the shape?  The brown hit and miss?
An a
pple tree said to be hooked sometime in the 20th century.  Am surprised before the auction house posted a photo of it they didn't clean off the animal hair.  I wouldn't mind if it was my animal's hair but if I was to sell it I'd clean it up.
A dog with lollipop flowers and no date provided.
A cat and dog rug hooked early 20th century measuring a hefty 26 x 57.
That's it for this show.  Now back to hooking the rug on my frame.


Friday, July 5, 2024

Go West Young Man

It's FLASBACK FRIDAY and will share a condensed version of our travels to California the end of December 1978 into January 1979.  The posts will come in dribs and drabs over the course of weeks

For those of you who may not know, IBM had a very strict dress code.  They could only wear white shirts, tie and suit; no sport coats/slacks.  So when Gary had his exit interview he decided to wear bib overalls and flannel shirt to the office instead of his normal attire.  His joke being that was the dress code for western folk.

Sorry for the corrupt photo, wherever it was processed did a lousy job as several photos have deteriorated over the years.

December 24, 1978
'Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house, all the creatures were anxious, even the mouse'.
As Christmas is upon us we are all tense in anticipation of the 2,800 mile trip to northern California.  I have mixed emotions about this great adventurous journey.  The family will be a huge loss in our life.  Instead of the 2 hour drive to visit them from Bowie, MD it would take a flight and drive to see them.

Yesterday (12/23) we had our last dinner celebration here in Bowie.  It was mother's birthday so she and Pat (my stepfather), Gary's brothers and wives, my uncles, Aunts, my brother and wife, my father and his wife and everyone's pets came to share a last meal together for a while.

The men all helped Gary prepare the van for her mighty haul to the west coast.  The van would be pulling our Int'l Scout which would also serve as the warehouse for needful things during our trip.  It's funny, we have had the van for over a year but 5 days before the big trip Gary takes on the big task of remolding the van for our travelling pleasure.  

They weren't small jobs either.  He put in a bay window so son Greg could see part of the U.S., put in a longer seat, replaced the radio and antenna, put in a socket for head phones for 8 track, paneled and insulated the van and secured speakers under the seat.  After the men worked on the van for a while and after several beers later we had a dinner fit for a king.  There was turkey, baked ham and all the trimmings.

It was bittersweet later in the afternoon as Eric (Gary's brother) gave us a jar filled with eastern shore farmland black soil and Assateague Island sand.  He gave son Greg an old pair of his spoons (Eric taught Greg how to play spoons one night at Trader Lee's Village in Ocean City, MD, and an old soiled striped Bass Fishing hat.

My brother Joey and wife gave us two coffee cups, a Delaware and Maryland so every morning with coffee we'd remember where HOME was.  Everyone was hugging, crying and saying their 'good-byes'.  What better Christmas present to each other than the expression of love.

The saga will continue next Thursday.


Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

Yesterday was a busy and productive day, but not a lot of loops were pulled.  I worked in the yard for 2 hours until lunchtime.  Had lunch then did a line drawing of an antique rug for someone, enlarged it to size, cut and serged linen, then drew the pattern.  I punched my time card just before 5 O'clock so I could watch The Five.

Today the pattern goes in the mail because tomorrow is July 4th.  Am also planning to work in the yard this morning before it gets too hot and will finish for lunch and finally work on the dog rug.  Am slowly pulling some tan wool for a test drive and may go with that instead of the gold, tho I overdyed it to be more compatible with the border wool.  Jury still undecided.  Here is the rug now.
Lauren (Rugs and Pugs) mentioned I put my initials at the top; you can see an "S" further down but I  might do the 's' thing for the whole background rather than the ripple effect but don't know for sure about that one yet either.  However, the top initials are in the original antique except both are S's but took the opportunity to change the other to a "P".
When I first set eyes on the original antique thought it was one of the ugliest rugs I'd seen.  So when sharing my thoughts of hooking it to Lauren told her I was going to name the pattern "Junk Yard Dog".  But since the dog has since been adopted, uh, rather adapted
😊, maybe I'll name the pattern "Lucky".  Think it was the background which attributed to the ugliness and not the dog.

In looking at both versions now, my background seems rather anemic doesn't it?

I'd better get myself outside before it gets too hot, it's already 10:22 a.m. and will be lunchtime before I realize it.


Monday, July 1, 2024


Let me see what photos I have on my flash drive.  Actually this isn't a rug but would make a lovely one.  It is either a water color or bird art print.  Have no idea on age or who it could be attributed to.
An animal farm rug, from Bucks county, PA hooked 1900's with dimensions of 21 x 72.5.
Rabbits continue dancing.  Don't know the age of this one but it is a little different with trees added on each end.  The original antique was/is in public domain and I've really old dancing rabbit rugs to verify that.  This one looks in good shape so may have been a purchased pattern when Patsy Becker offered them.  Patsy was not, however, the original designer of the pattern.
Deer in landscape, no date but dimensions are 26.5 x 39.5.  Am thinking that is either a sunrise or sunsetting in the background.  Yet it seems to be setting between the mountains.  No limit to artistic creativity.
A horse with leaf border, sorry, no date on this one either.
Shirred floral dating between 1830-1840.  Notice how some flowers or leaves are made with hearts.  Wonder if it was a wedding rug.
Am not particularly fond of the colors, but the roosters were hooked in the 1900's and hails from Bucks County, PA.
I like a blotchy background but can't say I'm fond of this kind.  Can't really call it hit and miss I don't think.  A hound dog hooked around 1920. 
There it is folks, another rug show put to bed.  Still working on the border of my dog rug and still haven't decided on the final color of the background.  Hope to my s#!t together on that decision soon so I can move on with hooking in confidence.  Hope you're doing some happy hooking.
