Tuesday, February 11, 2025


It's another Winter Storm Warning!  For another 6-10", which, last time turned into a 12" snowfall that lasted almost 3 weeks.  And part of that 3 weeks it was rock hard white ice.  Yesterday at the store noticed there was still snow from the January storm left after they shoveled the parking lot.

Tomorrow was my dental appointment but rescheduled it as I'm sure I'd not be able to leave my driveway, let alone the development by 10:30 a.m.
In other news...my desk top PC which operates on Windows 10 will cease to do updates by October this year.  Already I see the usb ports are malfunctioning.  Also, my 10 year old DELL computer did its last update the end of November.  I found that out when trying to do an update when the usb ports didn't work properly.

So that means I'll be purchasing a new computer before the end of the year.  I loved my DELL much more than any of the HP computers and don't know much about the off brand names.  

Have heard nothing good about Windows 11 but perhaps Microsoft has had time to iron out the wrinkles.  I like my iPad but don't want an almost $3,000 Apple Mac computer because of the expense.  And as lovely as the iPad is I cannot use the flash drives with it.

If anyone has Windows 11, a desk top PC brand name you like, please contact me so I can take notes when I'm ready to buy another.

I'd better go fill up the birdfeeders and get ready to hunker down and wait out the storm.  At 5 p.m. I've a little more to bind on Animal Parade then sew on the label and it will be done.  Then hook on Animals Great and Small.  Happy hooking.


Sunday, February 9, 2025


Found a few new (to me) old rugs so thought I'd share them with you.  While I'm not into hooking another floral, or at least not yet, this one is quite appealing.  The original measures 16 x 35 so would be a nice table piece.
A prancing show horse with scrolls, late 19th century measuring 24 x 38.
A pastel geometric dated 1920-29.  Or was it faded?  Dimensions are 19 x 38. 
Another geometric with quite a different design.  
The auction house indicated this 19th century bed rug was located
 in Ontario and was being used as horse blanket when found.  Sure has miraculously kept its color.  Dimensions are 65 x 69.
1900's love birds (22.5 x 35.5) would make a great wedding rug.
Billy Boy was hooked early 20th century.  The date Oct 5, 1923 was the date interpreted by the auction house.
Here is a close up of one corner of the that rug.
Can you imagine any dog with squirrel friends?  All of my dogs thought they were fair game for chasing up a tree.  
Docked in Belfast, Maine was hooked early to mid 20th century.  Nice reflection depiction.
flame design given a date between 1850-1899 measures 20 x 38.  If I decided to do a flame rug think I'd hook it in the other direction.
This 1900's cat rug disturbs me, it almost looks evil.  The rug (25x60)  sold for $1,610 in 2004.
And now a sweeter cat rug, IMHO, hooked early 20th century.
That's it for today's dozen rug show.  Happy hooking.


Friday, February 7, 2025


Now that enough rugs have been hooked to fill up a full page of labels I've printed them out and have begun sewing them onto the rugs.  Those last two rugs needed to fill the page were Magdalena's Animal Parade, presently being bound, and Animals Great and Small presently on my frame.

Today I sewed on 4 of the 6 labels to the proper rugs (below) and the other 2 labels await their turn.  FYI, for those antique adaptations I hook, the photo on the label would be the original antique rug from which my rug was hooked.  You can see how I do my labels by reading about it on a previous blog post HERE.

As I used my last printer page from the 10-pack will need to order more once I've gotten close to another 6 rugs hooked to fill a page.
Also patched that too short binding tape on Animal Parade and even tho it's on the backside it was still frustrating that it came up just a smidgen short.  Yet, a quarter inch or a foot short, would have prompted the same frustration.  I'll be sure to steam my rugs before measuring out binding tape next time. 
Won't have that problem when binding Animals Great and Small as that one will be whipped with yarn from Ali Strebel.  I do various binding styles depending on the rug, the border style and colors.  You can see some different styles in the first photo.

Happy hooking.


Wednesday, February 5, 2025


Binding tape is too short!  This is what happens when you unroll the binding tape, lay it out along the edge and cut it before steaming your rug.  Guess I won't make that mistake again.  So now I'll have to piece a small section before this task can continue.   And it was so close; but close doesn't count.
This afternoon I'll hook on the scallop bottom border of Animals Great and Small while waiting for whatever form of precipitation the heavens decide.  When driving to the grocery store this morning noticed the roads had already been coated with brine.  And to think on Monday I took my vehicle through the car wash, lol.
Happy hooking.


Sunday, February 2, 2025


Still not bored and enjoying each loop pulled.  Even when I've chosen to reverse hook an area.  

Thanks to pal Lauren realized I didn't explain myself properly so will try again.  I replaced the wool in the big grey cat in the central part of the rug.   The wool in the cat between the legs and tail under the cat was reverse hooked and this newer version doesn't appear to be any better.
For comparison, below is a previous photo of the cat with a somewhat lighter wool between the legs and tail.  Perhaps I need to pull out the wool just hooked and replace it with white.  
The original antique had white separating the legs and tail but at the time thought that was too bright.  However, since white shows up now in the borders perhaps it will look okay.  If you want to see a picture of the original antique you can see it HERE.
