It's another Winter Storm Warning! For another 6-10", which, last time turned into a 12" snowfall that lasted almost 3 weeks. And part of that 3 weeks it was rock hard white ice. Yesterday at the store noticed there was still snow from the January storm left after they shoveled the parking lot.
Tomorrow was my dental appointment but rescheduled it as I'm sure I'd not be able to leave my driveway, let alone the development by 10:30 a.m.
In other desk top PC which operates on Windows 10 will cease to do updates by October this year. Already I see the usb ports are malfunctioning. Also, my 10 year old DELL computer did its last update the end of November. I found that out when trying to do an update when the usb ports didn't work properly.
So that means I'll be purchasing a new computer before the end of the year. I loved my DELL much more than any of the HP computers and don't know much about the off brand names.
Have heard nothing good about Windows 11 but perhaps Microsoft has had time to iron out the wrinkles. I like my iPad but don't want an almost $3,000 Apple Mac computer because of the expense. And as lovely as the iPad is I cannot use the flash drives with it.
If anyone has Windows 11, a desk top PC brand name you like, please contact me so I can take notes when I'm ready to buy another.
I'd better go fill up the birdfeeders and get ready to hunker down and wait out the storm. At 5 p.m. I've a little more to bind on Animal Parade then sew on the label and it will be done. Then hook on Animals Great and Small. Happy hooking.