If I was to look into my crystal ball at this very second, the center part of this antique triptych rug would be on my frame next.
In 2021 I hooked the Shield section of the rug to display during Patriotic holidays. Hmm, me thinks that bold white definitely needs to be dirtied up a tad.
This time my sights are focused on the Eagle. Perhaps since it is already drawn on linen it will really happen. But then I've been known to change my mind even before wool is gathered. However, I'm not quite halfway thru the deer rug so still days/weeks away from a finish.
This time my sights are focused on the Eagle. Perhaps since it is already drawn on linen it will really happen. But then I've been known to change my mind even before wool is gathered. However, I'm not quite halfway thru the deer rug so still days/weeks away from a finish.
In other boring personal news:
Tuesday had my taxes done and I'm getting $700+ from the Feds and $300+ from the state. Which means they've had that money for months when I could have had it. So now I need to contact my bank and tell them to stop withholding taxes from my IRA distributions.
Thursday was quite warm outside so whittled away at the Wisteria vines again. So far I've filled the trash container 5 times and there's more vine left to dispose of. Some vine is too thick for me to lop off so will eventually need to ask my neighbor if he can use his chain saw to cut those in sections for me.
Friday I had two new tires and front end alignment on my 2003 vehicle so all is good there after $415 spent. But as that old saying goes ..."all dressed up and no place to go".
Sneezing anyone? There must be a lot of pollen blowing around with these high winds as I've been sneezing constantly. Did not realize the sinuses could create so much mucus. Oh, is that TMI? 😑
Hope your weekend is wonderful and your rug hooking project makes you happy.