Tuesday, March 11, 2025


 A soiled but sweet primitive cat, 38 x 38.
This brown horse rug doesn't have a date either but you can see by the way it is worn it has some age.  Dimensions are 25 x 41.
A geometric with central star and scallops.  Some may refer to those shapes a tongues, shell or maybe even swag shapes.
An oval in rectangle given a date of 1930.
This floral below is dated between 1860-1870 and measures 
32 x 53.
Sadly there's no information to share about this double baskets of flowers rug.
Black horse (19.5 x 25.5) hooked early 20th century.
This rug with blocks of animals was hooked early 20th century and I like it.  Size is 36 x 40.5.
More cats cats said to be hooked between 1870-1890.  You've probably seen it before somewhere.  Dimensions are 33.5 x 53.5.
I'm not so crazy about this next rug but it was hooked late 19th century with cotton and rags.  Puts a different spin on hit and miss and using up left over textiles tho.
And the final rug 
photo which I wish had been taken straight on vs. at an angle.   I like this deer and house rug which was dated between 1880-1910.  If it was a straighter photo I might be interested in hooking it but this would be a nightmare to draw out because of the angle.
Back to pulling loops on my own deer rug now y'all.  Happy hooking.



  1. Another entertaining show. I have to say my favorites are the one you liked (blocks with animals) and the last cat rug - but without the outer border. That black horse, however, is pretty stunning. Joining me at 5?? I'm trying to get back on track but have spent the morning trying to re-synch the chimes on my grandfather clock (rather unsuccessfully) and now am behind on everything else. All the same, hope to bind at 5 (4 here). ~Robin~

  2. The Star rug with all those scallops would make me dizzy to hook tall of those ! The blocks of animals would be cute in a kids room. I like your final rug ....
    Has been so nice here yesterday & today , have been enjoying being outdoors finally !

  3. I do love that star rug but would not want to hook it.

  4. Oh that rug you are not crazy about is just BUTT UGLY!!!
    Don't ever recall seeing that cat rug that you thought we'd probably seen before.

  5. I like the animal one that you like as well as the 1860s floral. There is some to it- could be interesting.
    Lady Locust

  6. I can't help noticing all the wonderful shades of brown in these old rugs, all of which I admire so much.


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