Monday, October 21, 2024


Do you remember seeing True Confessions magazine on shelves at the shops and grocery stores?  I do, but if you don't you can read about it HERE for a little useless conversation piece.  But my confessions are about the rug I'm working on and an update to Giant Flower.

Just before Cape May I had nothing planned to fill my time with teacher Lucille to work on before the camp project.  Frankly nothing in my desperate searches for an antique interested me but the giant flower raised my smile meter more than the others so drew it out.  Will show you the update below then continue with my confessions.
Second confession ~ Getting ready for Cape May I had tunnel vision and didn't think ahead about how I'd bind this rug.  Even just last week realized I should have sewn on something as a binding.  The purchased cotton bindings I have were too dark, didn't have a suitable color wool yarn for whipping and wasn't sure there was even enough of my various colors of dyed blue wool to do a wool edge.

Sooo, the row of hooking closest to the edge had to be pulled out so I could sew the cotton fabric on in order to get it close to the last row.  Oy vey!  Had my head been right before camp I'd have thought of that earlier.  BUT, being in a hurry missed that planning step.

Third confession ~  I don't have a 'plus one'.  BTW, just to clarify how I came up with that term, ya know how when you're invited to a party and the invitation says you can bring a 'plus one'?  That's how that became a thing with me.  Figured this is my party and I'll bring another.  Anyhoo, I digress...

So that is why Do Goode Be Nice was changed after 8 years, I needed something else to work on other than the flower.  Still don't have a plus one and if it weren't for having this mess below and the mess on my drawing table to clean up I'd draw one. 
Those are all the various colors of cut wool worms I'm using for the floral rug.  The only wool I'm cutting now (after perusing the worms) is the blue background and the green for leaves.   The blue is a mixture of many previous dye jobs I did over the years but at a distance they all seem to work okay.

Thanks to those of you who recently 'followed' my blog.  Not sure what I posted that inspired you but hope I can continue to keep your interest.  Hope you will check in often to see what I'm working on.  If you have a question or want me to cover a certain topic, please email me.  If you don't want to put it in the 'comment' section there is a special "EMAIL ME" spot on the right hand side of my blog which comes directly into my email.

Nice mild temperatures today but we all know winter is in our forecast and dark getting earlier.  Enjoy it while we can.  Happy hooking, knitting, quilting, stitching or whatever floats your boat!



1 comment:

  1. True confession time. I have never sewn on rug binding before hooking a rug. I haven't figured out how to round the corners since I am not much of a seamstress.
    It sounds like you are getting tired of Giant Flower so I betcha there will be a plus one soon ;-)


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