Wednesday, August 21, 2024


Only 3 1/2 weeks until Cape May rug camp.  Since it seems to take me longer to do things these days should soon do some dying.  I've got to over dye some wool as I'll need some dirty muddy wool for my class project.  And even if not selected during color planning with Lucille I'll use it at some point at home.  Today would be a great day to pull out those dye pots since there a delightful chill in the house but must do outside work first before the heat and humidity returns.

This is what Bird on Tree Stump looks like now and think it will be finished by camp time to put in the show.  Previously told you I've already drawn out my camp project but don't have anything prepared to put on the frame once this one is done.  Gotta work on that too.  I've seen a couple that seem likely projects but haven't decided or enlarged a design yet.
Wasn't sure what I wanted to do with the space below the tree stump where the initials MB appear in the antique below.  I'd thought about having just background.  Now I'm considering putting my initials there instead mostly to make the transition from dark wool to the lighter side ~ ya know I do love a blotchy background.
Comparing my endeavor to the original antique now wish I had hooked the scrolls in #9 instead of #8.5 to get fatter scrolls.  Could have made 3 rows of wool strips instead of 2 I used most of the time, but hey, it's only a rug, it's an adaptation, and no one will ever notice unless the original is beside it.

Enjoy this crisp, dry weather while we have it as the heat and humidity isn't far behind.  



  1. Your Bird on Tree Stump is gorgeous! I love the colors! Yes, it must be put in the show. I wish I could come hang around with you, taking notes on your dying project.

  2. Oh that is really looking amazing. I am loving it more than I even thought I would. ~Robin~

  3. I just love how you create your botchy areas , they look fantastic!!! I would love to be there too when you dye your wool ! This cool weather just feels great !!!

  4. Can I come to your dye class along with Nancy? Oh, what trouble we could get in to ;-)

  5. I think I like your scrolls better, size & color - the bird & stump get more attention.

  6. Looking mighty fine. Time is sure flying by fast it seems. It is almost September already. Janice


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