Sunday, August 11, 2024

COULDN'T MAKE UP MY MIND ... I compromised by mixing the plaid and the solid strips together.  And am okay with that.  Here is the before, several days before ~
And this is how it looks now since the strips in the scrolls were merged.  Now I don't feel the scroll colors are too in your face as the left side in the photo above made me feel.  I'm happier with this now.
After the rain and wind I had lots of pine cones and limbs to pick up.  Today I cut grass and am hoping it can go another two weeks before it needs to be cut again.  

Over 2 decades ago when this house was built I couldn't wait to get my hands in the dirt to plant flowers.  In the back behind the shed I had a compost area  ~ fed it, turned it and used it in my gardens.  But as years have crept up on me gardening is no longer fun.  I do what must be done and let the rest go.  

Happy hooking or whatever makes you smile.



  1. Oh I love it!! The plaid has a way of echoing a bit of the coloring of the bird's tail feathers. And that dark background is the bomb. Yes, I can relate to your thoughts on aging and gardening. It was one of my greatest joys and I could not wait until I worked less so I could devote more time to my gardens...but then the back stuff kicked into full gear so the pain too often outweighs the joy. That is another of the unspoken "excuses" in the post I just did. :-( ~Robin~

  2. The scrolls look great and oh, the progress you have made!

  3. Love the Scrolls! We have had to do less as our aliments happening,,,
    Especially this summer,,,
    I do very little gardening anymore,,,
    Just weeding and perennials are fine,,,

  4. A beautiful combo of colors and textures ~ I have to remember to outline my background as I hook each motif….. I used yo, but then stopped for some reason 🤷🏼‍♀️

    1. Per usual,that was me 👆 forgetting to sign off from NFF

  5. I'm at the same point with gardening. Though in my case it's also mental - plain sick and tired of spending hours out there bent over yanking weeds by the roots by hand. Alone. Because DH doesn't/can't/won't understand that cutting the top of the weeds with the string trimmer only ticks the weeds off for a couple of days. Yet I can't bring myself to pull the plug on my efforts and trash the plants. Maybe I should have DH put up a "free plants if YOU dig them up" post on FB? At least the plants could continue on elsewhere. Sorry for the whining.

    On to a happier subject - I *like* the mix of wool for the scrolls! So interesting how a non-plain wool changes when cut into little strips and hooked in a rug.

  6. Your scrolls look wonderful !!! So pretty !!!
    With all the humidity and rain this summer , I have way too many weeds to pull just the ones that are two feet tall & in my sight get yanked !!! Now that it has been refreshing cool ...I have too many things to do & can't play in the gardens ...oh & then there are the Dam Mosquitoes that attack me !!! It's been challenging !

  7. Rug is looking mighty fine...scrolls and all. We got rid of our compost pile this year. We no longer want to upkeep flowers either. Janice


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