Tuesday, August 13, 2024

MEMORY RUGS (Updated version)

Have you ever thought about designing and hooking a memory rug?  I've seen some lovely ones at rug camps, on Pinterest and even antique rugs which I believe were a type of memory rug for the maker at the time.  But that's all I've done ~ think about it.

I've considered hooking a memory rug but couldn't decide which memory of my decades of life I'd like to hook.  The thought of doing memories of my various trips (California, Iceland, Taiwan, Hong Kong) seemed too daunting.

The one idea which reoccurs are memories from my youth of the 1950's.  I had lots of 45 rpm records, remember those?  So could draw circles for the records... 
and a few music symbols.
I also collected horse statues even after getting my own horse.  On weekends or summer break a schoolmate and I would pack lunches and ride our horses through the country side near her farm.

After school we teens would ride in cars around the circle (now called a 'round about') then to The Jimbo.  Jimbo's was a small restaurant and local hangout for school kids.  For you young'uns that's  where servers would come to the car, take your order and return with trays which attached to the window of the car.  Anyone my age remember those? 
The above photo is one from the internet but you get the idea.  

When I turned 16 everyone else in town had a cool modern car and I had 1946 older model of a brand I don't remember.  So I decided to put big yellow polka dots all over it thinking that would make it 'cooler'.  They were big circles which was used at the E.I. duPont nylon plant where daddy worked to place on the floor for safe break areas.

Guess at one point I did a tad more than 'think about it' because I started with drawing my car but ended up flipping it over and drawing something else which I hooked.  However think I've lost any ambition to make my memory rug a reality.
That wasn't such a smart thing for me to do because everywhere I went everyone knew who it was driving thru which town. Below is a 1957 Chevy which was popular in my town then.
Since I was a cheerleader could add a pom pom or two on the pattern.  I'm too lazy to go search and copy an old photo of me in my cheerleading uniform but you know what a pom pom looks like.

Perhaps my need to find a next project has resurfaced the memory rug idea.  Guess this would fall under the category of 'still thinking about it'.

I was reminded about the Memory Rug that friend Julia did.  It is awesome and demonstrates just how much work and effort it takes to pull off such a wonderful heirloom for family.
Was a nice day with low humidity it was today. Made plans to work outside for a couple hours in the morning but forgot about my dental appointment.  However in the afternoon did manage to pull up some invasive periwinkle and ornamental grass.  Boy did I make some very bad gardening decisions early in my planting days.  Didn't think they'd ever grow and now they are growing faster than I can remove them.

Finally the guys are coming to wash my back deck and in two days after drying they will seal it.  Also having a new porch door installed which won't rot or swell when it rains.  While they're washing the deck I'll work more outside to take advantage of the lower humidity before it creeps up.



  1. I have never contemplated a memory rug. Remember the one Julia did? It was so cool.
    I think a '57 Chevy was popular everywhere.
    A car at 16 and a cheerleader? We sure had totally different high school years!!!
    We have also had a few days of absolutely wonderful weather!!! Yard work just never ends.

  2. I got my first car when I was 17. It was a used 72 Ford Torino. I was so proud of myself working and having my very own car. I would call your pet rugs a memory to them. I hooked one for our Peeps kitty, but never considered doing one from a trip somewhere. I have another floral in mind if I ever get potted plant finished. Weather here has been less humid but still in the high 80's. Nights have been cooler though with the windows being open now. Glad Hurricane Debby did not affect you. I heard Ernesto is creeping up towards you now. Hope he turns out of your way too. Janice

  3. Great memories,,,,Yes,,I do remember them at A and W,,,,,soooo long ago,,,
    Fun rug it would be ,,,
    Glad it's cooler,,,,Good to get the jobs done,,,,

  4. Absolutely LOVE Julia's memory rug!!! So much detail when you hook with a narrow cut...lol!

  5. I don't recall seeing Julia's memory rug before - perhaps it was before I found her in blogland - or perhaps it's just another memory lapse on my part. But it is FABULOUS! And I think you've done several memory-type rugs - your beloved dogs, your mum and the fishbowl? But, yes, I remember the drive-in "fast" food places like that. We used to have an A&W that did that when I was growing up - they roller-skated to the cars....and, actually, there is a "Dog n' Suds" in the little town by the lake that still does it...but sans the rollerskates. Glad you're getting some projects ticked off your list. My list just grows by leaps and bounds. Found out today the shocks I've been receiving turning on certain faucets are due to my septic pump going bad...So that needs replacing and they will have to dig up the lawn or the patio (not sure which yet) to run a new wire. When will it stop?? Rainy and cool weather tomorrow after a rather warm day today. Wish I could just cocoon but can't... ~Robin~

  6. Oh I had forgotten about Julia's rug. It is Fabulous! When I first started hooking story rugs were everywhere. It started from the top down.
    I do remember the tray on the window from A&W such a wonderful thing why did it all go away? Lord I am acting like an old lady now.
    You will be happy to have your deck and door done.
    I think we all made mistakes when we first planted. I am still pulling some out years later.
    Our weather the past few days has been so wonderful I am trying to soak up as much as I can.

  7. I have never thought of doing a memory rug ....I have seen some beautiful ones though.
    It has been nice & cooler here , but today the humidity is creeping back in along with storms ....
    We didn't have any A&W's near me ....We drove Mustangs growing up ....wish we had kept them now !


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