Friday, August 2, 2024


It's now a new year (1979) and continuing the journey toward California.  We had a quiet and private New Year's eve with a bottle of Champagne.  Now at 6 a.m. as we ready ourselves for the road trip ~ it is raining.  We ate breakfast and on the road at 8:05 a.m.

We saw the mighty Mississippi River and I envisioned Huck Finn on his raft coming down that river.  Interstate 20 through Mississippi is like a washboard.  Gary said that he hates to think of the Mayflower truck doing 70 mph on those roads with our antiques inside.  One thing for sure Mississippi's taxes don't go for highway repair. 

Then all too soon we were in Louisiana with very few cars on the road.  Perhaps everyone was sleeping in and sleeping off their New Year's celebrations.  Louisiana is a flat state so far and flooded with rain.  Ditches are over flowing and farmland under water.  [I'm familiar with that scenario with the many rainy days in Delaware not so long ago.] 

There is something very eerie about the moss covered trees that are standing in the muddy, wooded, low wetlands.  I see an invisible sign that reads "danger to all who enter", or "enter at your own risk", or even, "not responsible for lives lost or stolen".  

The land has taken on a completely different appearance near Calhoun, Louisiana and 91 miles into the state.  At 9:45 we are halfway across the state and it is still raining.

Our son Greg has had such a good time during our adventure.  He pulls out my chair when we dine out and has experimented with different food.  He has become more decisive and found enjoyment in soup as an entrée to his meal instead of a salad.  This trip has been a good learning experience for him and we have all had fun being together.

Gary chewing one of Greg's bubble gums and blowing bubbles to relieve stress of driving.
Finally the rain stopped at 10:07 a.m., 62 miles from Shreveport, La.  I drove for 1 hour to give Gary a chance to rest, tho he doesn't really rest while I drive.  Memories of the near jackknife still fresh in his mind.  The rain had stopped but soon after I got behind the wheel I noticed the trees looked a little different ~ kind of frosted.  And they they began to look like crystal. 

Well that warm weather we experienced entering Louisiana went out with a bang.  The roads are ice covered and trees at the gas station were encrusted by the freezing temperatures.  
Misty wasn't too pleased with the choices provided for to relieve herself.
Just 5 miles from the Texas Border at 12 noon, January 1, 1979 and icy roads.  We saw the town Bossier, La. (near Shreveport) where a tornado ripped through about 1 month ago.  It was devastating the amount of damage tornado's monstrous circulation of wind and debris can do.  We saw the area after the clean up where it was an empty space but you can see a picture of damage if you click on the link above. 

I'll end this episode just one mile from the Texas border. 

Am enjoying reading thru my journal as I'd forgotten a few things; I'd forgotten that I drove a little, forgot about my 10 year old son showing signs of growing up and forgotten that Gary and I did have love for one another even under a little stress.



  1. Wow ...what crazy weather you went thru ! Really nice how you enjoyed each other's company and watched your 10 year old son mature along the way ....fond memory , what does he remember about your journey ?

  2. I bet you are enjoying reading through your memories as much as we are! Your ending thoughts are the same as mine reading through this - you must have had some strong relationships to take such a long journey together and still find joy in each other's company as you went. Some families can't drive together 20 minutes LOL. The other thought I had was wondering whether your antiques did, in fact, arrive unscathed. Happy Fri-yay Mummy D. ~Robin~

  3. I do think you are enjoying memory lane. that must of been scary to have icy roads there.

  4. Fun trip down memory lane! Great pictures ;-)

  5. Wow,,,,great story and pics

  6. Egad your drive towards California was full of scary scenarios. So glad you made it safely. I know t is fun for you to write about such wonderful memories you made along the way. We went to Hannibal, Mo once where where Mark Twain grew up. We took a riverboat ride on the Mississippi along the island where he swam to daily which gave him the inspiration for his books. Janice

  7. It was fun reading about your trip. I wish that it would have been nicer weather. It nice that you have such great memories of your trip together. I like that your son was learning and maturing on this trip. Thanks for sharing your memories with us.

    Take care, hugs. Julia


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