Saturday, July 25, 2020

Table Top Change up

Felt my kitchen harvest table needed a little sprucing up.  Was hoping it would inspire me to pull out the vacuum...but it didn't work.  However when I walk thru the kitchen it gives me the feeling all is new and refreshed.  Funny how the mind can play games with the power of suggestion. ðŸ˜‰
Am sure you recognize it as an antique adaptation which I named Mighty whale.  Mine measures 19 Â½  x 32 and is $60 plus shipping.  The Humpback Whale is an Official Issue of the Cousteau Society which my ex left behind.  With the patina of the metal it compliments the rug and visa versa.

Haven't been totally a slug all day as first thing in the morning (interrupting my normal coffee time) had a go-round with Norton internet security.  First thing I do before opening email or visiting the web is a virus update and Microsoft update.  Norton wasn't working.  Since I'm an Xfinity/Comcast subscriber Norton protection is free with the service.

Back and forth with passwords and failed passwords, threats of being locked out of Norton, then seemingly getting thru to correct the problem I discovered something.  Two search engines were competing ~ Google, which is my search engine of choice (on Comcast link) and Microsoft Edge which I HATE.  Long story cut a tad shorter ~ I called my credit card company and cancelled any attempt at a charge by Norton, and did a live CHAT with Norton to ensure there would be NO charge.

Have tried to remove Microsoft Edge but since it IS a Windows product have not been successful.  

But later in the day was more productive, did laundry, drew out yet another pattern of Rainbow Petals but a smaller size, then cut a part of the yard.  After that have been sitting, hooking and binge watching "Alone".  I love those survival shows.

Happy Saturday.



  1. I like your whales on the table- sorta summery (ocean). I have a few things I change out with the seasons and like you said, just seems to freshen things up a bit.

  2. Summer mat for sure!!!
    Love it,,,
    Sorry for UR troubles in morning,,,,,

  3. I love that whale and it looks so nice with the statue.

  4. The whale rug looks great there!
    Technology...ugh. Definitely a love-hate relationship!

  5. Yeah...ummmm...don't get me started on mind games and the power of suggestion LOL.... And don't get me started on technology issues either. After 6 months of complete and utter frustration and uncountable phone calls, transfers, misinformation, etc., , I finally got a real live Frontier technician to come to our house and our phone is working at the lake without having a cord run from the box outside the house, up the front stairs, through the front door, through the living room/bar area and kitchen, to the jack on my desk. I feel accomplished! Yikes. Love your whale rug (and ex's castoff!)... It is in my album of "wanna hook"s....if I ever live though the CURRENT whale of a whale. ~Robin~

  6. Lovely rug. Hate dealing with the techies.


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