Sunday, September 8, 2024


This is my current project and the one which will entertain me until Lucille gets to me at camp next week.  As I've been busy taking care of yard work, little by little, and other tasks in preparation to leave for camp, this is all I've accomplished so far.  BUT, I'm pleased with how it is turning out.  The pattern I drew on linen is 20.5 x 35.  If you recall I'd printed out a larger size but nixed the idea of hooking the bigger size.
Below is the original antique and I won't show the comparison every time, thought I'd refresh your memory on how the original looked.  Actually my wool is a tad brighter in person (believe it or not) than it appears in the photo above.
Last week I forced myself to do another dye batch just to get the pots and stuff out of my kitchen.  On the left was the new batch to be dyed and on the right had already been posted.
Both shown together (below) and in my stash now.  They will be used for something, even that lower piece on the left.  At least it is better than having the stark white showing.
To all the readers who take the time to comment, I thank you.  Seems many of you don't have an email connected to your blog when you signed up or you chose to be anonymous as I'm unable to reply to your comments.   Here is a comment which to me was quite special.

My husband and I did that trip from Falls Church VA to Laguna Beach CA in 1974 in a VW squareback pulling a small U-Haul. A shame I did not document it as you did but we were hell bent for leather. We still try to remember some of the places we ate. Funny. We are still here after a 3 year stint in Santa Barbara. Things have changed so much here and not for the better.
I'm sure you could probably care less but I loved your posts because they all took me back. Thanks again.

Whatever your name is, thank you.  I was so concerned that those posts would bore people out of their minds and yet it seems it struck a cord with someone who had a similar experience.  Just wish I was able to reply to you.  IF anyone would give me their email and name I could put you in my 'contacts' file so that if you type your name as anonymous I'd still be able to reply.

This time next Sunday I should be at the dinner table at Cape May rug camp.  Still haven't heard from my teacher about camp yet but she just returned from the ATHA event so she's taking a well deserved breath to catch up.  Just hope the weather remains as it is and without any ocean turbulence.  It is chilly at night now and sunny during the day so fall is in the air.  Will be sure to take clothing to fit summer and fall before I leave as I'm sure I'll be needing both.



  1. You are off to a GREAT start on your new rug.
    Wonderful dye results.
    I am sure in a day or two you will be all packed except for this rug and ready to head to Cape May. Did you share what your camp rug will be? I do not recall, but my mind is shot to hell in a handbasket...whatever a handbasket!

  2. Poor Lauren, her mind is shot to hell in a hand basket, the poor thing. lol... She is not alone...
    Sorry about my disappearance from blogger in posting and commenting but I'm still above ground and my heart is still beating but it's been quite a super busy summer for this old gal, but never a dull moment.

    Your new rug is looking good and I love the rich colors. Lovely newly died wool.
    No, your road trip journal is certainly not boring. It a blast from the past and I look forward to visit all the missed posts as soon as things slows down for me here.
    Our fall rug hooking meetings have started but I miss it and I also have missed some Rug Hook-in this summer.

    Enjoy your Camp May Rug Hook-In. Take care.

  3. Hope you have fun on your excursion next Sunday. Am sure the week will fly by. Lovely start on your new rug. Janice

  4. Hi!!! That was my anonymous comment about driving to CA.
    I did it as anonymous by accident. I usually put my name in but hit post before I realized I hadn't even signed it.
    The only reason I don't put my email in the comment designated space is because it automatically goes to my husband's email (I don't have a google account) and that gets confusing for him/us. I forget to check his account and he might delete before I can.
    Feel free to email me back if you like but yes I really enjoy your blog.
    I am in Laguna Beach CA. I am on FB Betty Morrissey and instagram as Betty62mo. Thanks for reaching out . Betty
    I also typed this as an email to you in the spot at the top of this page but it has been saying "sending" for a while and I am not sure it ever went through.


Thanks for taking the time to visit and I always welcome comments.