Sunday, September 1, 2024


First of all, cannot believe it is September 1st and tomorrow is Labor Day known to all as the official end of summer.  I'll certainly welcome the cooler evenings and warm days of October for sure.

Yesterday I was quite busy cleaning up my rats nest around where I hook in the living room, over dyed some wool that had been soaking for 2 days and enlarged a pattern for my next project.  After all I WILL need something to work on when at rug camp in just 2 weeks.  TWO WEEKS!!!!!  Good grief but time has whizzed by.

Here are 2 quarter yards of wool that had soaked and then grabbed another piece which soaked for an hour or so but didn't get a photo of the before.  Actually, it was soaking when I took a photo of these wet pieces.  
I like having dark options to mix in the background for that delightful blotchy look one sees in antique rugs.  Here is the result of all three pieces of wool.   Since these aren't for my next project I just might pop them back in the pot with another tablespoon or two of the same recipe.  While I don't want a pitch black dark think I'd like it a tad darker than it turned out.  And of course the wool always looks darker when it is wet.
Bird on a Tree Stump is all hooked and am prepping it for wool yarn whipping.  I love, love Ali Strebel's wool yarn and a previous purchase is just perfect for this rug too.  She will variegate dye wool specifically for your rug if you ask.  It might be a couple dollars more than the solid colors but well worth the difference I think.
Now I can't recall which rug I ordered the yarn for but purchased two hanks to have some left for future rugs.

My camp pattern had been drawn months ago so was prepared for that.  But as many of you know I'd not made a decision on a pattern for when the Bird was done.  Yesterday feeling pressure to make a decision I decided to replicate this antique.  Do you think that is a giant vase with flowers or a giant flower with baby blossoms????
Anyway, I enlarged and printed out 12 pieces of paper, trimmed the edges and taped them together (22.5 x 37.5).  I did want a larger pattern but after taping it together it appeared too big and while tracing over the lines to make them darker scratched the whole idea.  So there I was pattern-less still.

Today, again feeling the pressure of needing a pattern fix I spent a couple hours searching thru my flash drives and even pattern books for something to catch my attention, to no avail.  So let it be known I'm a gluten for punishment!!   I enlarged the same line drawing AGAIN to a somewhat smaller size of 20.5 x 35.  Guess I gotta go with it since it seems to be the only design of interest.  Now to put it on linen. 

This evening I'll work on whipping the Bird rug as I want it ready for the rug show at Cape May.  Happy hooking, stitching, reading, knitting (Elaine) or whatever strikes your fancy this holiday weekend.



  1. The wool yarn does look like it will be perfect for that rug. My (half-hearted) goal is to bind Welcome Cats before the end of the year. Wish me luck on that. Don't know what's happening to me. (Maybe I do...just don't want to own up to it.). I don't see a vase in your new pattern...Maybe a large bloom with exaggerated stamens? Or smaller blooms? Who knows. Like the results of your dyeing. Today's been a wasted day here...and I really don't have time for wasted time this month. ~Robin~

  2. Haha,,,,your so sweet to include me,,,!! Yes,,,knitting ,,,Guess? Socks,,,and a hat,,,!
    Not much hooking ,,though ,have some sorting to do ,,and 2 hooking finishes to get moving on in Sept, Oct,,

  3. You are so productive and I do like the wool you dyed, but agree it could be a tad darker. Your newest rug looks like one big flower to me. I do not see a vase either. I do however love the colors. You know me...reds, blues, browns and blacks for me. Just love the old look muted ones. Happy Labor Day and hoping you have a great hooking day where it is not too hot. Janice

  4. I love Ali's wool yarn too, although I hate whipping, I have used it before for that...I do love it for rug-punching! I have no idea what the design is of the one you're choosing for camp LOL - definitely floral-ish! I'm sure it will be gorgeous once you dip our magic hook into it!

  5. Your Bird on the Stump came out great ! I am sure you will make this Big Flower wonderful too ...will you use the same color palate or use your nice dark old primitive colors ? Will fun to see what you do !


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