Tuesday, September 24, 2024


Lucille Festa was my teacher and don't know how she was able to attend ATHA, and 400 miles away from home her vehicle broke down with transmission problems.  Yet she managed to get home, restock her supply of wool, turn around and drive from Vermont to our class in Cape May, NJ.  Heck, I was feeling like a zombie after just 5 days of fun so she must be a superwoman.

What surprised me was the various wool Lucille chose for the dog from my stash ~ colors I'd never be brave enough to mix together, but she did and I like it.    Here's what the rug looks like and I'm quite happy. 
For those of you who read my blog, you saw this photo of odd and narrow pieces of wool pinned to a ring.  For the basket she picked that stripe piece which I think was a part of a poncho or some clothing I'd picked up somewhere.
The bottom plaid was another appearing in the dog which was surprising also since it has specks of shiny threads, also a piece of clothing which appears in the underbelly and part of a leg.

And you will see a block of that 'ugly' wool (as I call it) with the green in it which I used in a tree HERE.  So when you attend a rug class don't be afraid to take those unusual pieces of wool, ya never know how it will look in your rug.  Lucille didn't recommend any of her wool for my project.  I had to just look and buy what appealed to me in order to bring home some of her lovely overdyed pieces.

As you can see from this photo below (the original antique), Lucille drew sections for me to hook since my chat with her was that I wanted to hook the rug how she envisioned it.

I'd hoped to get this post published earlier in the day but I did a bit of reverse hooking on and around the basket.  Plus did a bit of yard work since that was neglected last week.  And now it's almost bed time.



1 comment:

  1. Well you better be planning your next rug as this one is already darn near finished. Can you say overachiever? And I don't want to hear that it is not a very big one. It looks amazing. (But you did forget to post the antique.)


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