Tuesday, September 10, 2024


On Sunday morning I'll be headed toward the Cape May-Lewes Ferry and take the hour long ferry ride across to New Jersey, then a 10 minute drive from the ferry to the hotel.  So the preparations here have begun; or at least the hooking part has.  Clothing won't get packed until Saturday when the weather predictions might be more accurate.
In case you're wondering why I just dumped wool on top of the tote, they are small pieces pinned to a ring that I'm taking just in case any is something Lucille might find viable for the rug.  
You're right Robin, I haven't shown what my camp project will be yet, but here is the antique rug.  While I like the sweet design have no idea what to do about colors so am relying on Lucille's help in color planning.
As I like naming rugs I hook, I've got two names rolling around my cranium ~ first one is the most simple "Dog with Basket" or more creative I guess could be "The Gatherer"?   What are your thoughts?  Hope comments will be coming into the comment section at the end of the blog.

And I still have the rest of edge whipping on Birds on Tree Stump.  Have only been working on it for the hour during The Five so might have to dedicate more time than just that hour to finish for camp.
Gotta go as The Five is on and I've put the TV on pause so I could get the post sent and still watch all of it.



  1. I have no idea what the five is but it sounds like you enjoy it.
    Have a wonderful time at rug camp! My favorite thing is going to rug camp. Great project you are taking.

  2. Sweet rug...but I'd be nixing the pinks of course. As far as names, hmmm....may have to ponder. The only two that popped in my head were "Leroy's Brother" or "A Tisket A Tasket." (Lauren may not know what a handbasket is...I do, but sure as heck don't know what a tisket or a tasket is LOL.) How far is your drive to the ferry? And do you take your car across too? ~Robin~

  3. Count down is on,,,,
    Have a great time,,,, 😀😀 Elaine ❤️

  4. Robin needs to let us know what a handbasket is...lol!
    I'm sure you and Lucille will work magic on this rug.
    You are always so ready for camp...unlike some of us ;-)

  5. We watch the Five daily. I absolutely love your new rug and even the colors...and I am not a pink lover by no means. The basket reminds me of an egg basket, so I say egg collector, or the DA for dog assistant. I am sure your name will be perfect though...and have fun at camp. Janice

  6. Have a Great time at Camp and hope you have good weather !!!

  7. I don't know what to call that doggie rug with the basket but he looks a little guilty to me. I think he stole that basket.lol...

    Enjoy your rug hooking adventure at camp.
    Hugs, Julia


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