Thursday, September 12, 2024


Welcome Cats would greet people invited inside the home and the visitor would probably expect to see a cat or two lounging about.
Which made me think this next rug named Call Again is hooked in the wrong direction.  Shouldn't that rounded part be straight and against the door jam as the person was leaving the home?  And the rounded part facing toward the person leaving?   Or, lol, am I being too anal?
I recently finished hooking a bird rug and here's one of birds in tree nest.  Said to be hooked late 19th or early 20th century.
A floral in pretty Urn, no idea on age but it measures 26 x 41.
I've previously shown you stitcheries which would make great rugs, here's another, a portion of a very old Norse embroidery.  
And wait until you see this applique!  It is a Scandinavian textile ca. 1500 so is most definitely in public domain and free of copywrite.   
Here are the individual sections for a closer looksee.  First up is a Centaur,
a lion but resembles a horse to me, 
A deer,
and finally the Unicorn.  To be that old these must have been extremely well protected in some way.
A snowy landscape, smallish at 9 x 13.  Because of the hooking style and colors it is probably a Canadian hooked piece.
This is a sweet dog rug ~ 
Spot in the garden dated 1880-1900
.  If I'd seen this rug before drawing out the one I'm taking to camp this may have been my camp rug instead.
And finally, stag with leaves hooked early 20th century.  Not a fan of the leaf colors tho.
That's it for tonight folks; now it's 2 days and a wake up.



  1. I do like the dog rug with his heart spot.
    Have a wonderful time!!!

  2. Gah! That Scandinavian appliqué piece is just incredible. Even the colors are great. Four glorious rugs just waiting to be hooked. Think I'd start with the unicorn or the deer.... Sweet dreams of camp. ~Robin~

  3. Oh my oh my! When you said that Norse piece was an appliqué, I thought you tipped your rocker until you showed the close-ups. Wowza! Stunning. 😍. Hope you have tons of fun at camp. Snap an orb pix or two 💕

  4. That Scandy one is so precious to have survived all of these years. A bit creepy though if you ask me especially the centaur. The dog with the heart reminded me of our Ace kitty. He had hearts on both sides of his body. His actual name was Ace of Hearts, but we just called him Ace. Again have fun and safe travels. Do take pics of rugs and orbs. Love me a ghost story or two. Janice

  5. Love the cats!!!and snowy Canadian scene,,,,
    Have fun at camp when u get there,,,,,

  6. Yes that dog is nice. I thought the same about "Call Again"

  7. That Scandinavian textile is just wonderful!
    Safe travels to camp and have a blast ;-)
    I agree on the Call Again rug.

  8. Wow !!!! Amazing rug show !!!


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