Saturday, September 21, 2024


Plans were for me to try a blog post from rug camp.  Well ya know how that went ~ didn't happen.  Was too busy having fun.  There will be a few posts of rugs from the show and some stories to share but let me post some finished rugs from the show.  I took some photos but stepped out when people started coming in from outside to take a peek at the show.  Then would go back to take more photos when the crowd thinned out but am sure I missed some.

These first two rugs were hooked by Chance Allen.

The Fisherman below was hooked by Pat Osborne.
A happy witch but there is a glare on the card and can't read the designer's or hookers name.  
The antique Christmas themed rug below was hooked by Mary Glossner.
The sweet Lucy pillow was hooked by Beth Hartman.
Okay, here's one story to share ~ Beth had a part-time occupancy behind me but hooked on the porch a lot so lucky me had a wide berth to occupy.  So in the afternoon of the first day Beth came back and I scooted up to make room for her.  She said something about ' no need because I'm going to ?'   I didn't quite make out what she said so I said, "You're going to SEATTLE??"  She laughed and said "No, I'm going to Sea Isle to meet my friend".  So from that day forward she has become known to me as "Seattle" and not Beth.  Was funny to us but guess you had to be there.

Below is a Sharon Smith design hooked by June Madden.
Sheep and Cherries rug hooked by Christine Dube.
Shari Vanart hooked the sheep rug below
Shari also hooked the skunk and below that is Leroy Brown which I hooked.  He looks rather anemic compared to the antique which as a very busy background.
Containers made by Deb Nees.
Here is another view of the same items.
Dancing Rabbits hooked by Shari, I didn't realize she was joining in the hook-along I hosted on my blog until she brought it to rug camp.
Connie Tate hooked this Bird rug.
Below is Atlantic Sunrise designed and hooked by Deb Nees.
Am unable to decipher the info on the card so if anyone reading my blog knows who the hooker is please let me know and I'll give credit.
I hooked the deer but not sure who hooked the rooster below.
Leslie Scroble hooked the stars and circles below.
Sweet bunny hooked by Laura McElroy.  Think she said this was her first rug.  Correct me Laura if I remembered incorrectly.
Okay folks, that's today's post.  Still have rugs to show but as I've been naming them the list has gotten confusing since it has alphabetically changed and I'm still a little brain dead, lol.  It is just too exhausting having fun.  Plus it was back to work in the yard blowing leaves off the back deck and driveway, picking up limbs which had fallen during my absence and laundry.

Am going to make myself a big green salad for tonight to negate all the damage done to my waist during camp, then gonna sit and hook.  My bed felt heavenly last night and tonight sure will too.


1 comment:

  1. Wow ..a great rug show ! Nice to be Home Sweet Home and sleep in your own bed . Enjoy a nice healthy salad !!! And I did Miss you !!!


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