Sunday, June 30, 2019

Back to the Big One

Must admit I'm liking hooking a small rug as a break and just might keep two rugs going simultaneously in the future.  That would be one SMALL and another whatever size.  It gives me a break between rugs and prevents boredom for those who might read my blog on occasion.

Here's the Great Granddaughter's Rug right now.  Am embarrassed to say I binge watched Killing Eve with Sandra Oh.  It is such a weird show and required my full attention to catch what was going on.  When doing that I can't pull loops.
This evening my attention will be directed to the great Kelley Freebie so am hopeful there will be more accomplished on that for next post.

It has been too hot for me to do walking, besides with the big scoop out of my shin I wasn't supposed to overdo since the legs carry the weight of my body.  Will hate to step on the scales after a week.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend and there's a big holiday coming up.


Thursday, June 27, 2019

The Fickle Hooker's New Project

Just a brief break from the Magdalena rug to start the 'freebie' Kelley Belfast offered on Out Of Hand Rughookers Group.  Couldn't get it out of my head so had to hook a little on it.
This evening I'll work on the GGD rug again.  Nice little diversion if only for a nano second.


Tuesday, June 25, 2019

The Fickle Rug Hooker

Not finished with the Great Granddaughter's Rug quite yet but I told you about having something lined up right after.  Well, make that to start right after my new interest.

This is due to Kelley Belfast's freebie design offered at The Out of Hand Rughookers on Facebook.  If you are a member of that group you know what I'm talking about.  If you aren't a member, click the link above and ask Lori Brechlin if you may join in.

Meanwhile here are a few photos of Kelley's designs which may have been hooked by Kelley, me or others.... enjoy.

That is  only a sampling of Kelley's wonderful designs.  Am looking forward to starting that new project soon but alas, must have a questionable spot removed from my shin this afternoon.  

Happy Hooking.


Sunday, June 23, 2019

Antique Rugs to Enjoy

First up is the Stag and Apples rug hooked by Mary E. Witmer.  Stated as a Mennonite hooked piece which measures 21 x 33.
A photo of the label on the back.  Looks like a coarse yarn was used.
A cat is framed with scroll type leaf and vine design.  
It's time to show you this House with Mountains in the background, I see it was saved in my file in 2018.  At first glance it appears this  might be the back but can see it is the front as it is mounted on framing.
The Central Blue Flower and geometric border rug measures 11.5 x 17 and from Newport, R.I.
Simplicity at its finest albeit a little worse for wear antique hooked single Tulip.
Dog sniffing a flower measures 25.5 x 35 from Bangor, Maine.  Here is the front view.
And the back view.  Appears to have little fading.
Since the grass got cut today and a blog post done it is time to sit and hook a spell.  OMG, I'm beginning to imitate my great grandmother with my vocabulary..."sit.....a spell".

Have a great evening ~ less humid today and no rain.  Hope weather was kind to you wherever you live.


Thursday, June 20, 2019

Update on GGD Rug

Always an excuse from me, right?  The last week or so I've had appointments and today didn't get home until after 3 p.m.  Am disappointed there's not more hooked to show.  
Don't misunderstand....I'm still very happy working on this rug, it doesn't seem as tho I've progressed much since my last update.  

The next project is already planned but not drawn on linen.  Ya'll know the reason is my 'hard U-turn' to do something else.

Happy hooking everyone.


Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Wish I'd Kept A Journal

You have seen my comment 'channeling Magdalena' on a few blog posts when working on one of her designs.  Now wish I'd kept notes on my thoughts/questions while hooking her rugs.  One such recent question I'd ask .... is that meant to be a hooked paw print on the Great Granddaughter's Rug.
It wouldn't be the first time someone wrote a journal to the creator of an antique textile, as there is such a book called "Dear Jane".
Brenda Manges Papadakis kept a journal of her thoughts/questions as she was replicating the 1863 quilt made by Jane A. Stickle.  The book was a good read in addition to getting the pattern pieces which are offered inside the book.

In 2011 a few of us on Rughookers Yahoo took a challenge to make our own Jane Stickle hooked rug.  It could be any size and could take a little creative license.  There were no prizes as this was a group challenge with a deadline date and those who finished in the allotted time had their rugs published in a section of Rug Hooking Magazine.  This was my version which is hooked in #8 cut.
More rain in the forecast today, as if we haven't had enough already.  Happy hooking, quilting or whatever floats your boat.


Sunday, June 16, 2019

Old Rug Time

This morning I considered doing a dye blog post ~ looked at the liquid dyes still left from previous dye jobs, looked quickly at which wool to use as the subjects.  And perused the selection of great as is wool on my shelf.  Realized I really didn't need anything so why bother dyeing.  

Am sure none of you mind the second choice for a post ~ after all, who doesn't love looking at old rugs?  This 8 pointed star and 10 hearts has a hit and miss background and said to be hooked around 1930.
A floral center with hit and miss background.  It looks to me as if a couple of those flowers may have faded.  Or using up her worms was the only wool in quantity to do the extra flowers.
From Sturbridge, MA is this Floral Cornacopia with scrolls from the 19th century.  I think I'd have liked it better with a primitive black background.  Of course the dark around the center flower would need to be changed.
Another floral and with my favorite type of primitive black background.  LOVE that blotchy faded look.  Or, could be she used what she had that was close in color/value.
The Folk Art Cats hooked piece I've held for over a year and think it's time to show it.  It has a straighted hooking style and from the Arthur and Sybin Kern collection.  The 20th century hooked piece measures 23 x 35.
Normally I'm not fond of neon colors but this rug appeals to me for some reason; although not sure I'd hook it.  Original size is 21 x 31 1/2.
A little worse for wear but still a beauty, is the antique Sparhawk rug.
Hope you are all enjoying time with family on Father's Day and no yard work.  While I didn't cut grass today did go out and pick up close to 80 pine cones from the front and back yard.  Before grass needs to be cut again there will be that many more to pick up I'm limbs.  Oh the joys of home ownership, as Lauren would say.  


Friday, June 14, 2019


Flag Day is celebrated June 14th to commemorate the adoption of the United States flag on June 14, 1777.  Below is the Pledge rug designed and hooked by Polly Minick.  It measures 36 x 43 and pattern can be purchased by Woolley Fox.  
An old and beautiful rendition of the American flag is the 46 Star flag hooked by  Laura Etta Clarke of Barrington, NH 1902.  It measures 29 x 37.
And the Old Glory Flag designed and hooked by Kelley Belfast.  If I'm not mistaken, this was Kelley's adaptation of the original antique.  Good job Kelley.


Wednesday, June 12, 2019

The Pause that Refreshes

The pause give you something interesting to look at and gives me the pause to do a little more hooking AND/OR yard work.  But also doctor appointments as I've lots more of those coming up.  Hand surgery, dental surgery and dermatologist.  Seems those doctor appointments increase in number as we get older.

Okay, now to the fun....

A floral with doves, the letter 'P', and tied knots....perhaps this was a wedding rug.  No date but it was from the collection of Jack and Tommie Marsh
An early 1900s oval rug with geometric border and central floral design.
Here is a view of the back where you can see the true colors and that it was hooked on burlap.

This Colorful Daisy designed rug with blue swag inside beauty line measures 36 x 42 and hails from NH.
A sweet 1915 Rabbit with checkerboard corners, wool on burlap, from the collection of Jack and Tommie Marsh collection.  Measures 33 x 43. 
I might have shown the 'flying horse' rug before as it is constantly on my mind to hook.  I've even done a line drawing of it but then decided to hook something else.  Ya'll know how I change my mind in a heart beat.  This rug was hooked between 1880-90 and measured 36.5 x 37.  The original sold for $3,198.
Okay kiddos, grass all cut before MORE rain comes during the night.  Think tomorrow I'll have a free day to do....whatever.  So me thinks I'll hook and take a walk in the afternoon.


Sunday, June 9, 2019

Great Granddaughter's Rug

Have been anxious to get the lollipop bouquet hooked so I could show you the update.
In case you don't recall, this one was drawn to the size of 26 x 35.  When back on the frame think I'll finish that section below the lollipop bouquet then move to the top.  Will hook the other upside duck first then move downward to the other lollipop bouquet.

Again, here is a photo of Great granddaughter Ellen Jacobs and her son Gregg the day she was donating the rug to the Historical Society of Perry County, Pennsylvania.
If you tap on the photo to enlarge, and if you look hard at the left of the first lollipop you will see what I believe is an image of a paw print.  So naturally I drew it on mine.

Today it was cool and thought it would be a great day to work outside as I did yesterday.  But it ended up drizzling and getting cooler, so dang... I was sequestered to inside the house and forced to hook, har har har 😃😃 😃.

Happy hooking.


Thursday, June 6, 2019

My Family's Military Heros

As people are remembering D Day and Normandy thought I'd share some information on my military family.  Top center is the patriarch of the Green Family, Joseph Hildren Green, Sr.

Left is my father Joseph Hildren Green, Jr., below pop-pop is my Uncle Bob and to the right is Uncle Dallas.
Another photo of daddy in uniform.  He was with the 69th Division.
 And a copy of his Bronze Star Certificate.
A copy of a newspaper article when daddy and Uncle Bob came home on furlough.  If you tap the photo you might be able to read about the action both of them saw, including Ardennes which pop-pop was in during WWI.  
Don't want to leave out my wonderful step-father Edward C Patterson (Pat) who was in the Navy during the Korean War and then was on the President's staff during the time of Presidents Eisenhower, Kennedy, and Johnson.  You can see the Presidential patch as well as the Shield.  
Pat also served at Camp David and when on leave he had to leave all ID behind until he returned.  Oh some of the stories he told me when I'd spend the weekend with him and mother.


Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Just a Couple Pieces of Candy...Eye Candy that is

Since I've been quite busy the last couple days with appointments, an order for 3 patterns which need drawing today, not much has been accomplished on Magdalena's rug.

First up is a Frost Lion on burlap which measures 30 x 60.  Have no date as to when it was hooked.
Late 19th/early 20th century is this rug depicting two doves drinking from a fountain.  It measures 33 x 48.
Blocks of color with numbers 3 and 2 hooked inside two of the blocks.
And you've recently seen this Duck and Ducklings before and is one of the antique adaptations I'm drawing today for a customer.  This one will measure 22 x 35. 
In a previous post dedicated to Molly Nye Tobey,  I showed a few of her rugs, including this one of Apple Pie.  
Unfortunately I misspelled her last name on that post but the post is so old that editing isn't possible.  I received a nice comment from Molly Nye Tobey's grandson, Tom Tobey yesterday.  However, Tom, since you are a NO-REPLY BLOGGER I am unable to reply to you as there is no address in which to send.  Would love to see the rug your grandmother hooked of your drawing as a child.

Often I receive emails to which no mail can be sent due to being a No-Reply blogger.  If you would like to double check to make sure you aren't one of those dreaded people you can find out HOW TO FIX NO-REPLY BLOGGER HERE.
