Wednesday, November 29, 2023


Was looking for a shoe I'd carelessly tossed in the closet and found a box in the back corner.  Holy moly, there were trophies in there I'd forgotten about and hadn't seen for years.  The one that caught my eye first was a Judo First Place trophy I'd earned while in my early 30's.  Can't recall how long I took Judo classes but I quit around 1975 when we moved out of that area.  
I didn't start running until my early 40's but was proud of my accomplishments.  Never ran a marathon and one must be a hardcore, dedicated runner to attempt that with lots of duration training.  The longest distance I ran was 10K (6.2 miles).  Here are the trophies for some of the races.
In a previous post I showed a news article with a photo taken at the finish line HERE.          

In rug hooking news ~ I went to my wool yarn stash to pick out a hank of wool yarn to whip the edges.  Was sure I had the perfect yarn left from previous Ali purchase but this was it.  So I sent Ali (Kindred Spirits) an email with this photo below and asked for a black and brown mix yarn.  She said she will dye some and ship by week's end. 
That means the rug won't be bound tomorrow during the boring doctor waiting room visit but at least I'll have a more perfect color for this rug.  I have plain black wool or could have done the cotton binding but wanted Ali's perfectly dyed wool for this rug.

Baby it's COLD outside.  Tomorrow it is supposed to be in the 50's but today only in the 30's as a high.  




  1. You were one hell of a woman!!! Much to be proud of.
    I love Ali's wool if I am going to bind with yarn!!!
    A balmy 21* here this morning with wind. Bbbbrrrrrrrrr ;-(

  2. It's 26.6 C here this afternoon. A beautiful cold but sunny day with blue skies. It's cold here too.

    I'm glad that you have someone to dye your wool for you. It's going to look awesome.


  3. Congratulations ! Nice mementos of your wins !

    It is pretty cold here too , yesterday it was really windy and felt colder. Lucky we haven't had snow yet !
    Your rug will be beautiful with wool to match for your binding !!

  4. Eh, you didn't want to bind a rug anyways 😉 Don't you just love surprise boxes in corners and backs of closets? I think I was going through mystery boxes for two years after we moved.

  5. I came back here and realized that I had forgotten to comment on your trophies. You must have been quite and athletic young woman with all those physical activities, including horse riding. Why did you hide all those trophies in the closet, lol...?

  6. Wow the only trophy I ever got was most improved bowler lol.
    Beautiful rug as always

  7. look at those trophies! wonderful!! your rug is perfection my friend!
    Lori from Notforgotten Farm

  8. Wow!!!a lot of memories ,,,,You were a star!!!!

  9. How fun to have pulled out your trophies. I think I tossed mine all out when I moved here. I was a runner too and also did hurdles. Plus I bowled. Rug is looking good. We had rain all day yesterday instead of snow, but it was only in the 40's. Janice


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