Sunday, June 16, 2024


Lovely rug with petite flowers in diamond shapes.  Size is 24 x 65 and said to be hooked 1900.
A nice primitive abstract geometric dated late 19th century, 39 x 44.
House and landscape hooked early to mid 20th century.  Dimensions are 18 x 35.5.
A dog, no date provided, but measures 19 x 33.  From estate of Kathrine Pease.
Feathers and fur ~ are they friends or foe?  Given a date of 1910.   
Torso of two deer 19th century.   The background is blotchy but colors are a very close match except for a couple small spots.  As you know I sure do like a blotchy background.
Boy will I have a mess to clean up around my hooking spot when the last loop is pulled on Running Horse.  Try tho I may to keep colors together in separate containers there always seems to be a mountain of mixed values and colors to my right on the end table and arm of the sofa.  Won't be looking forward to that.  Sometimes I think I'd rather bind a rug than clean up after my mess.



  1. That's funny really would rather bind a rug than clean up !!! LOL
    Fun rug show !!!

  2. Great rug show as always. My room is a mess but it is because of sewing.
    I haven't pulled a loop in a long time.

  3. Your mess sounds exactly like mine. I just cram it all in a bag. I'm bad

    1. I've done that before too and that bag is getting more full, lol. Sorry I can't reply directly to you and it's because you are a NO-REPLY blogger. That can be fixed, just google it.

  4. I'd almost rather do ANYTHING rather than cleaning these days...well, maybe not paperwork. ;-). Happy (soggy) Monday! ~Robin~

  5. Thanks again for a great rug show!
    Hooking is never a neat endeavor, sad to say!!!

  6. Thanks for Show!
    Sweet houses,,,,
    And love that first one,,
    Don't like cleaning up either,,,,


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