Thursday, June 13, 2024


Finally finished binding 1922 Fox yesterday and even sewed on the label.  That label was the last of 6 printed on an 8.5 x 11 cotton sheet.  Now will  have to hook 6 more rugs to print out the next 6.
The house washing task was completed today and just in time before the heat and humidity skyrockets.  A couple folks have asked me what product I used and this is it.  Was purchased at my local Walmart.
The hose attachment (on the left) has a wash, off, and rinse selection.  And when that became empty it was filled back up from the gallon container on the right.  

SO glad the house is done ~ on the far end I was unable to reach the 2nd floor with my mop so still shows green mold.  Hopefully my HVAC guy won't look up when he comes again.

With the house done I decided to get an estimate to have my decks washed and sealed professionally.  The guy came out today and said he'd have estimates for me in a couple days.  I last did the back deck myself 2 years ago and posted about it HERE.

Gonna play with my hook and wool for a while and ponder what it must be like to have the life of luxury and have everything done for you.  Yet that's not how I was raised and guess it is a good thing I was taught to be responsible.  Oh, and yup, I was spanked and never considered it parental abuse for I earned every whooping I got, lol.



  1. I am waiting on an estimate to have my multi-paned windows reglazed. The guy seemed very interested, but since I have not yet heard from him, I wonder if he has changed his mind. I can't find anyone to do it. I was told no one does it and I should consider new windows. Well, I just can't justify at least $20k for windows.
    I hope your deck estimate is something you can live with. Oh, the joys of home ownership!

  2. Yay on the foxy finish. And yes, you're so right about wishing for the life of luxury. By necessity, I do have several things done for me but there is so much needing done and only so much that can be paid for...and few people willing to do the work even if one could pay for such luxuries. ~Robin~

  3. Congratulations finishing your Fox rug !!! Yay !!! Looks Great ! And you cleaned your house ! Always something else to do and wish we had a magic wand to get all those big pricey projects done !

  4. Yay, you got Foxy all done right down to the pretty label.
    My windows need cleaning and I used to do it twice a year when I was younger. They are the type that you need to take apart from the inside, now my shoulder is damaged and I can no longer take them apart. I have so many windows in my house that it would cost a fortune to get someone to do it for me. My house is falling apart like me and so many things have been neglected.

    Take care, hugs.

  5. Love Red Fox. SO glad you were able to finish what you could on your house. Janice

  6. Foxy is great,, 😃👍
    You are glad ur house is done,,good timing,,,, 🙂

  7. Love your red fox. We have done most of our own work over the years and now am trying to get things done by hiring it. You either can't find someone or they try to take you to the cleaners.


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