Saturday, January 25, 2014

More of Harriet Powers Hooked Adaptation

This is as far as I've gotten with my adaptation of a quilt section made by Harriet Powers.  For the border I've chosen a dark row and was considering having no border but rather all background.....then changed my mind and decided to frame it .

In this piece my main focus has been on Betts, the hog who travelled 500 miles from Georgia to Virginia (according to Powers' recorded descriptions).  And I've chosen to shorten the nose on Betts from the original quilt block.
This is the original quilt block and you can see I tried to shorten the hogs nose a little but still wanted to keep it naive and primitive.
Normally I choose my background color first, which makes it easier to find suitable wool colors for the motifs.  Sadly this time I decided to hook the motifs the way I envisioned them and to heck with background.  Well now it seems I've painted myself into a corner.
My intentions are to put a row or two of different values around the motifs and ease a neutral background.  Well, to do a background sorta like the one I did in Big Dog Hollow (shown below).  You might remember that  Kathy (Briarwood Folk Art) and I traded patterns; I chose this one of hers and she picked my Frost Sheep w/Birds and Flowers rug which she is presently hooking.  Hmmmm, she called it something else.  Anyway, she is doing a magnificent job hooking it and I like her rendition better than mine.
Hope you are staying inside and warm.  It is frigid here in Delaware and it is very uncomfortable walking a dog in these temperatures.  Sure wish I could litter box train my Rottweiler Ben.
Happy Saturday.


  1. Love your background on Big Dog Hollow. I really like what you've got going on in your Harriet Powers adaptation.

  2. I like how your piece is coming along and I do like the background you used on your other piece, nice effect with the colors. Cold here too and snowing now.


  3. I like the way you shortened the nose, and dealt with the clothes!

  4. I think the original "hog" looks sort of like an ant eater.

  5. I think your heading in the right direction on the background, you really won't know until you try it.
    Love what you have hooked so far!

  6. What a neat interpretation! You'll figure out the perfect background like you always do :)! Maria


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