Friday, January 3, 2014

Snow Day Hook'in

Well actually I had to do a little snow physical labor as you could see from my previous post.  Also managed to fill an order for someone for a little pin money.  So it was a good day with a little work and a little play.  But I still don't like snow ~ Loved it as a kid but I'm older now.

This is my adaptation of the antique Santa and Deer rug I've been hooking.  Have made more headway and already I'm thinking about what design to put on another frame.  When it gets down to the background I get bored and like to have more than one hooking project going on at the same time.
Here is another shot of the Santa rug while Ben (paw to the right) was looking on to give his input. He seems to think I need a little spark in Santa's eyes like the deer has.  He is right IF the white will show up in the blue.  For sure I didn't want dark eyes for Santa. 
Was giving some thought on changing the deer lead (leash) using a dark.  And like Lori I sometimes over think things.  So what I'll do is keep it like this until more is hooked and then decide.

Hope everyone is warm and enjoying being inside with their 'fun' things to do.



  1. Saundra.
    You will be done in no time. I love doing background. I guess I like the mindlessness of it.
    Our snow has stopped for a day but we are supposed to get more Sunday. Enough already!!!
    Warm hugs :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I deleted one comment because it posted twice and I don't know why!

  4. Santa is coming along nicely !
    Funny how our fur friends always "get in on the pictures" ;)
    Stay warm...0 degrees here in Pennsylvania this morning !


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