Saturday, June 13, 2015

What Time Is It?

Buffalo Bob (if you are of the age in remembering) would say...."It's Howdy Doody Time".  Since I have no significant changes in my son's rug, and no new rug on the frame guess it is time for a rug show.  Hey, that ain't bad is it?  Here is an antique rug with two cats and sawtooth border.
Two pups with hit and miss border for you doggie lovers.
Wouldn't either of the rugs below make a wonderful Valentines Day gift OR even a wedding rug?

Both of the horse rugs below are great, there's a spot in my heart for horses and used to own one when I was a kid.  Haven't ridden a horse since 1981 tho.

The oldie below is wonderful and dog.
The folk art dog below is interesting.  Seems that I'm in an animal kick today.
So far it is horses 3, Doves, 2 Dogs 2 and Cats 1.  So continuing with the animal theme guess I need to balance it out a tad.  Don't think the cat rug below is an antique and saw it on Pinterest with no name of the hooker.  I'll be quite happy to post the name if anyone knows who the hooker was.  It is quite nice and has the olden appeal that I like.
And of course love this old cat mat and want SO MUCH to hook it and one day (soon?) will do just that.
Have a great weekend everyone.  BTW, I started this blog yesterday but between my internet service and/or blogger got so frustrated that instead of throwing the computer out the window decided to shut it down and sulk while I hooked.



  1. Always fun to see antique rugs and they are great inspiration for new ideas.


  2. What a bunch of great rugs!
    Hugs :)

  3. LOL about the sulking part. Love seeing the rugs.

  4. I loved Howdy Dowdy time! And now I love your rug shows.

  5. I am a baby boomer so I remember Howdy Doody well! These are all beautiful! Warm greetings from Montreal, Canada. :)

  6. I am caught up with your blog yeah! Thanks for all the sharing of great rugs. Hugs cheri


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