Saturday, August 26, 2023


A little progress has been made since the last showing but there's plenty more space for those worms.  Perhaps I've not gotten bored because the circles are small, it's fun finding similar wool strips to match the antique and I'm excited when finding enough of that color to do a circle.  In other words, I have a feeling of accomplishment right away.  Isn't that what we all want, immediate gratification, lol?
Tomorrow I meet up with Suzanne Niemann to buy the Townsend Orbiter Frame.  She is a rug hooker, a spinner and weaver.  She lives in Florida and travelled to Massachusetts to attend Vavstuga Weaving School But then drove to New Jersey to visit a friend and will stop here on her way back to Florida.  That will be a load off my mind and money in my pocket.  But as the saying goes ... "it ain't over til the fat lady sings".

Hope you have a wonderful weekend and and happy hooking.



  1. Hi Saundra, You'll be glad to know that I'm taking the evening off. I just needed a rest from busyness and check a few blogs. I have 153 bottles of assorted pickles but I'm done with cucumber pickles.

    You're coming along with your going in circle rug. Like you said it will be a load off your mind when the lady picks up the orbiter frame. A good thing that there's no need to pack and ship it away.
    Enjoy the weekend.
    Hugs, Julia

  2. Going in Circles is looking mighty fine. Fingers crossed for a smooth transaction. ~Robin~

  3. Loving this fun mat,,,,!
    Nice to sell some Stuff!
    Elaine 🏡💗

  4. Love your Circles !!!!
    It is great to get money for things you don't need anymore !!!

  5. Circles is looking good. Hopefully your sale goes through. Fingers crossed for you. Janice


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