Wednesday, August 30, 2023


With Cape May just around the corner and a mat I considered 'unfinished' decided to tweak it once more.  Obviously a McGowan trained person will see things they'd change.  And if they were to hook this it would be much better.  But I'm not McGowan trained and I'm finally calling Mother finished so she's gonna travel with me to rug camp.
There have been several mini-tweaking sessions to get her to this point.  
The last two tweaks I worked on the eyebrow, the shadow at the neck and under the chin, and changed to a lighter value between the fingers.  Below is what the mat looked like June 2022 when she was put away fully aware of all noticeable issues.
And finally here is the very old photo from which I drew the pattern.  OMG, right now I see other things which could/should be changed:  highlights on the pointer finger knuckle, light shine (or is that another fish?) on the right side of the fishbowl.   BUT, not gonna go there.         
Okay, I've said it before but this time I am SERIOUS ... I will NEVER hook another narrow cut rug!!!!!!!

Had pouring rain this morning so can't cut grass.  Maybe tomorrow or the weekend it will get done.

My heart goes out to all those in Florida in the wake of the hurricanes.



  1. Mother looks great. LEAVE HER ALONE, ALREADY!!!

  2. I am with Lauren on this, but have to admit it does look better. Mother would be proud. Janice

  3. I think all your tweaking has come to an end too ! She looks Wonderful !!!

  4. Mother looks really good. Stop stressing and enjoy it. Smile when you look upon her smile.

  5. Mother is BEAUTIFUL!!!! And finished. Don't EVEN go there. Your tweaks were amazing (such a dramatic difference b/w those two photos), but tweak no more. We are still in such desperate need of rain. Heading into the mid-90's again this weekend so that makes the extreme dryness worse. ~Robin~

  6. You really did a great job of tweaking and the result is amazing. It's a work of art. You can be proud to take her along to Cape May.
    I was thinking of captions to put for each photos, lol. For the before photo I would write, " Oh goodness, you're so cute but I'm scared to take care of you". On the after photo I would write. " Sweet little buddy, you're coming home with me. I'll take good care of you" lol...

    A girl who changes her mind as often as she changes her cloths should never say never. lol.

    Hugs, Julia

    1. OMG Julia you know me too damn well woman!!!!

  7. your rug is beautiful! your changes made all the difference and I'm no expert, but it really does favor the actual photo so much...especially how you captured her expression. You should be proud!!!
    ~ Lori from Notforgotten Farm

  8. Well I think its perfect. Do you get to leave next week for rug camp? I have tried narrow cuts a tiny bit. I prefer 8 to 81/2. My mom did narrow cuts. She had beautiful rugs, but I like the wider cut rugs. Have a nice day.


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